The League of Shadows "AsylumCentral Custom Gang" TLOSACCG
The League of Shadows "AsylumCentral Custom Gang" TLOSACCG
게임 중
2014년 7월 9일
The League of Shadows "AsylumCentral Custom Gang" 정보

Welcome to the The League of Shadows Custom Gang @ AsylumCentral!

(Update on 4/26/15: Anyone who is an LOS Initiate+ who has not been part of the LOS since last December before January who leaves the steam group will either be demoted from whatever rank they are one rank below the rank they are and for Initiates, they will be removed from the LOS.)

Welcome my friends and newcomers to the League of Shadows, we will be accepting peoples' applications so they can be enlisted in the custom gang so we can make bases, occupy streets and territories and make an empire within the world!

"One rank at a time" (Mogu).
Initiate => Member => Elder Member => Master.

If you are an Initiate, you apply for a Member promotion, If you are a Member, you apply for a Elder Member Promotion, If you are a Elder Member, you have to earn the rank of "Master", and Master position is pretty much a trusted rank of the entire L.O.S. (League.of.Shadows.)
(Pretty much, everyone who is accepted and is part of the League of Shadows is a member.)

For more information of the League of Shadows, please have a ts3 account and/or ask one of the members for the password/more info, if you do not know the password, ask one of the high-ranking members or the LOS Owners for the password.

(DO NOT TELL THE PASSWORD TO ANYONE OUTSIDE THE LOS OR BE READY FOR CONSEQUENCES. Unless we are having a party or something that involves most of the people joining the ts3 channel of our custom gang, then that would be allowed.)

The League of Shadows "AsylumCentral Custom Gang"
League of Shadows Teamspeak Channel:

Channel Guest - Non-Member of LOS.
Channel Voice (Speaker) - Initiates and Members (Also for friends).
Channel Operator - Trusted 4IC Member(s), Elder Members and Masters.
Channel Commander/Administrator - Joint-Headmasters (Owner) & Trusted Members.
((We may add in very trusted people who are at the rank of "Master" in our Custom Gang to become a Channel Administrator as well.))

((People who can accept/deny/remove/demote you))
Mogu, Archon, JumbleBumble, and Sierra Foxtrot.
Trusted Members:

League of Shadows Teamspeak Channel Owner/Administrators:
Mogu, Archon, Nick, Sierra Foxtrot, Disco Banana, Serubi, & whako.

Application Formats/Info of LOS[]
Where to Post Threads to Make the Application[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
New DarkRP Server.
Asylum is no more.
댓글 31
Mogu 2016년 3월 12일 오후 3시 10분 
Well guys, I am done, Smokey, here is the seat.
Jumble 2016년 2월 10일 오전 9시 15분 
Just added a announcment about the almost official gangs demise on DRP, check it out if you'd like.
Jumble 2015년 10월 3일 오후 6시 30분 
I'm going to work to make the gang more active ingame, but thats going to have to wait until classes are fixed.
Mogu 2015년 9월 29일 오후 4시 55분 
I am pretty much done, haven't done much with the clan here in awhile, I will come back to it time to time though, but Id do much anymore, Jumble, you can go right ahead if ye wish, I shall choose if I shall do it more or something later, but thanks guys for being with us for a very long time and being awesome. -Mogu
Mogu 2015년 6월 8일 오후 9시 58분 
Some things have been updated, in the last week or two, which is pretty nicely done I might say :D.
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2014년 7월 9일