The LiviD^ Method™ | A Next-Gen CS:GO Methodology & Community EnLiviDeN
The LiviD^ Method™ | A Next-Gen CS:GO Methodology & Community EnLiviDeN
15 August, 2015
ABOUT The LiviD^ Method™ | A Next-Gen CS:GO Methodology & Community

A Next-Gen CS:GO Methodology & Community

The LiviD^ Method™ is an entirely new way to look at the game of
competitive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive that will drastically increase student's level of style and performance while still feeling remarkably comfortable during their transformative quest to become Enlividened.

Enlividment, derived from the word "enlightenment", which is the western translation of the term bodhi, "awakening", which has the western connotation of a sudden insight into a transcendental truth. While complete spiritual enlightenment is not the purpose of The LiviD^ Method™, nevertheless still a common side effect, enlividment has the connotation of a sudden freedom to pwn noobs & pros alike regardless of outside factors.

How long does it take?
Enlividment is not a title given to the student by any authority but will be up for each individual to decide when her or she is truly enlividened. The only students who will experience enlividment will be the ones who embrace that The LiviD^ Method™ is not merely learning new tactics and practicing new techniques, but rather fully understanding and embracing the underlying methodology. It is only then that they will be able to enjoy the freedom which comes with true enlividment where they no longer have to rely on what to do and when to do it, but rather have the confidence, mental clarity, and lock-on aim to take action and not look back.
The LiviD^ Method™ Basic Guide For Competetive CS:GO Pugs & Informal Scrim Teams
The LiviD^ Method™ Basic Guide

Note: This guide is in no way complete and should be considered a work in progress, or early access, until it has been decided that the project, including this guide, is complete and additional material would not provide any benefits that can not be easily found elsewhere. Advanced guides, videos, and other fun things that help further define and show examples of the methodology will be added frequently but with the goal that this project is finite and will not require new content and media to drive ad revenue or any other such ideas. There is no business plan involved with this project and the only goal of it's creation is to possibly help a few people go a bit further in this game or apply the concepts to similar issues outside of CS:GO and maybe some matchmakers and ESEA players to notice a slight increase in teammates being more helpful.

General Positioning (last update on 8/16/2015)

Note: This section only applies to general puggery with informal buddies or complete strangers. This is not meant to replace or supplement the use of all the wonderful resources that currently exist for formal teams to learn complex strategies, study the latest pro demos, and watch pro tips.

● The biggest piece of advice here is to ADAPT to your teammates. Do not complain that they are not doing the correct things instead, use the following advice to decide what to do. Your options are to show them the correct way and become a leader or simply make the pug your own and use their uncontrollable actions to the advantage of the group. If you do not care about winning, then The LiviD^Method™ may not be for you.

● On CT Side, get to your spot promptly to avoid unnecessary conflicts with your teammates and of course to prevent quick rushes.

● On T Side, it is OK to wait @ spawn for up to 15 seconds into the round as long you have already bought.

● On either side, if your team rushes and dies, go to the opposite side of the map and attempt to lurk around for easy kills from unexpected positions and possibly chain them into an amazing ace clutch or if you absolutely need to a save.

● On T Side, do not get anxious to win rounds and push through smokes early in the round- even if your team is doing it. Try to spend the first half of the round baiting out smokes and getting easy picks and then the second half taking a site once their throwables have been depleted. If you get multiple picks or clear a whole site, you may go earlier but that will be in the ‘Tactics’ section of this guide as it can be very situational.

● On T Side, if your team all goes to A to work picks or attempt a rush, go to B site and kill the rotator(s). You should be able to handle it alone as the rotators will be reacting to the fast take of A and will be moving quickly so hard angle lurks and otherwise silly hiding spots should get the job done.

● If people get mad at you for making these plays, don’t be surprised but don’t react either as it is clearly defined here in this guide as being alright and they are more than likely mad that you didn’t follow the whole group as per their specific instructions and any debate about this will only end in a circular argument with no end so, save yourself and your pug mates from the excessive mic spam by simply not responding.

● Remember, every good team will have someone watching the flanks if they go heavy to one site because they are easy kills on isolated players versus letting them reach the site and conspire with their other teammates to retake the site on their terms.

● If another player wants to watch the other site and you go with the group into the target site, by all means let them. Sharing is caring and others will want experience the thrill of lurking since you have now set the standard that it is alright to do.

● On T Side, unless you are doing a fast rush, The ideal setup would be to always start out with people doing a basic 2-1-2 default with 2 players holding CT pushes from A, 1 from mid, and 2 from B. In beginning rounds this should be held until around 1 minute is left in the round. Hopefully they try to test you a few times and upon running into gunfire, and most likely their death, they will think twice to even try in later rounds and you can return to the formation only if you believe they will be on an eco push or just hold each time for about 15 seconds in case you are unsure of their economy levels and habits. If you don't do this from the beginning and they get one successful rush in they will have the taste of victory in their mouths and try at any time later in the game. If they get shut down on two separate rounds their success rate is no 0%. They really should not try again for the duration of the map unless they are just hyper-aggro style players. The majority of the players, if they make it the first time and then get shut down the second time, will use it at a later round when they think you will no longer be watching because hey... they have a 50% so it makes more sense.

● If the CTs push each of their sites, that is the same as if you as Ts rushed 2 into B, 2 into A, and 1 into mid at different times without any coordination, set smokes, or flanks. It sounds like a terrible strat right? It is and that is why CTs on pro teams rarely push their sites unless there are special circumstances or they all rush out one site together because they will more than likely get killed within a few seconds.

● Finally, if you are playing with a toxic pug and have one friendly with you, do not go with your toxic teammates. They will bait you, not call enemy positions, and you being the nice person you are will try to make it work but will simply become frustrated and decrease your chances of winning and having any fun at all. Instead, take the bomb, if possible, or at least just your buddy, and go to the opposite site of the toxic players. Let them die or take site and then you can plant at the opposite site. If they do not make attempt to take the site and trigger a rotation when only 40 seconds remain left in the round, get in and try to clear the site and plant the bomb with just the two of you. As long as you have been undetected, or at least less detected than the other teammates at the other site, there should only be 2 players on the site. A 2v2 situation is not ideal so, if the situation will still allow it just point out that it is a good idea in the future to take a site with 40 or more seconds remaining in the round to have enough time to clear the site and plant.

Mental State (coming soon)

Teamwork Building (coming soon)

Clutching (coming soon)

Special Tactics (coming soon)

Sportsmanship (coming soon)

Mystery Section 1 (coming soon)

Mystery Section 2 (coming soon)

v|oL8r 2 Jun, 2016 @ 10:49pm 
a suh dude
ttv/ 15 Jan, 2016 @ 1:06am 
No, I wont do sex stuff to get boosted. Stop messaging me!
John Mako 27 Nov, 2015 @ 4:08am 
This is lame as ♥♥♥♥ what is this gtfo virgin
Midnightspro 31 Aug, 2015 @ 2:14am 
Why did you invite me to this? lol
Enter chat room
15 August, 2015