KnD United KnD|United*
KnD United KnD|United*
28 August, 2010
United States 
rEvOpT!C-@LiZaT!oN 4 Oct, 2012 @ 5:35pm 
me and alii3n are leaving knd because the group is not playing much anymore cya

love optic and alii3n
~Exile~ 28 Sep, 2012 @ 4:41pm 
After thinking it over, I come to the choice to retire from KnD. This is not to say I by no means never want to play with anyone in the group again, I simply feel their is no reason to hold to a tag that has little to no wieght to it anymore.

Keep on gaming, keep it solid, keep it real.

Respectfully yours,

Regal 14 Jun, 2012 @ 2:41pm 
Sup fools. I made a FB group for us. For those who use facebook either add me

Keith Burgess

Or the group

Regal 5 Feb, 2012 @ 8:44am 
You guys gotta check this out. Pretty epic game from last night with Dynamics, Wolf and Exile on a Dome HQ HC. Might have been a hacker, dunno, but we won perfect game. Also sick shotty kills ;)
Grif 28 Dec, 2011 @ 2:52am 
IF anyone is looking for coupons for the steam holiday sale just message me and Ill tell you wich ones im willing to give or trade
Regal 24 Dec, 2011 @ 12:44pm 
Yup! Getting MW3 next weekish. Also uploading some music videos I made for MW2. Non-camping/tubing Representing KnD Pwnage!
Regal 22 Dec, 2011 @ 9:00pm 
Still rocking out in MW2 though ;)
Regal 22 Dec, 2011 @ 8:59pm 
Hey guys. Looking, hopefully, to MAAAYBE switch to MW3 soon. Tight for cash :p
TC|Logic? 8 Dec, 2011 @ 3:36am 
Hey guys been playing mw3 fun nearly got positive kdr again shouldnt let my little bro play :/
~Exile~ 21 Nov, 2011 @ 9:17pm 
Well after A painful Day of Rebuilding my OS I should be back up to 100% within the next few days. And I expect to be Crash free.
Grif 8 Nov, 2011 @ 8:05am 
mw3 yeaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
PringlesMan123 13 Oct, 2011 @ 8:07pm 
what happened to ninja?
he hasn't been on in forever
KillWhore 29 Aug, 2011 @ 8:04am 
hey u guys just letting u know my dad deleted mw2 so i have to wait until he installs it again
~Exile~ 26 Mar, 2011 @ 10:50am 
JUst letting you know That Wolf And I will be having a no screens week at our house, so We won't be till sunday the 3rd of April. cya then.
~Exile~ 21 Mar, 2011 @ 9:37am 
Nice youtube and steam page, now if we can get the website up and running lol, F.Y.I Just finished my new Icon tell me what you guys think.
Ninja Co 20 Mar, 2011 @ 9:10pm 
PringlesMan123 20 Mar, 2011 @ 9:03pm 
Wow, youtube? Awesome :D
^4F@Z3-^8J3$T3R 26 Feb, 2011 @ 12:22pm 
yea KnD is the bomb like tik tok x)
Ninja Co 14 Nov, 2010 @ 4:37am 
We're not dead, stick your clan tags back on and represent!
Dynamics 7 Sep, 2010 @ 9:44pm 
we the ♥♥♥♥