Ninja Co
Tracy, California, United States
No information given.
Currently Offline
{SDR}Xpholiator 8 May, 2012 @ 7:03pm 
S1C has thought about hosting a clan tournament where different clans come together and have a clean fight (clean meaning no hacks!). Together, we know people from 8 different clans. The tournament would be bracket based. Random drawn positions and winners move on to the winner bracket while losers go to the losers bracket. At this point we are checking to see how many people would be interested, and no date has been set. After we have collected enough clan participants, we would send out a list with clan titles and then we would figure out a good weekend. If your clan is interested in participating, email {S1C}BlackAngel at [email protected].
(DP) Bullets 3 Jul, 2011 @ 12:54am 
hey Ninja...i got someone that might want to join our clan..but i need to talk with you in person not on here so let me know when you get on
!^5Rich-B^3* 27 May, 2011 @ 9:45am 
hey bud, i'm ungrounded now so i hope to play again soon lol