Isla Extinction AU IEAU
Isla Extinction AU IEAU
14 January, 2020
ABOUT Isla Extinction AU

Welcome to the Isla Extinction Steam Group!

We're a new low ping server based in Australia, currently offering free grows until the population is larger.

Please read the rules and follow them, they're listed on here and on Discord as well.

If you'd like to join the Discord to read the rules or just to hang out and talk, the invite link is:

Hope to see you there!
Chat Rules

Just want to set a few rules for our code of conduct - in game and in Discord/Steam chat to keep it nice and civil. Keep in mind we are a 18+ community and server.

- No Pornographic/Sexual Material of any kind being posted is tolerated. We also may have some younger Community members.
- No Arguing with Admins in Discord/Steam chat or In Game Server Chat. if you have a problem send a DM to one of the Admins.
- No excessive swearing in Game Server Chat or in Discord Servers.
- No personal attacks, threats or weird DMs. Everyone has a right to feel safe and respected in our Community.
- No repeated "farming" or "singling" out of player over and over and over again.

General Rules

1. While Bleeding you are not Permitted to cross a lake or pond while being hunted. This is to stop bodies from sinking in the water and going to waste.
2. While Bleeding you are not Permitted to Log Off until the bleeding has stopped as you are most likely being hunted or in combat.
3. While bleeding or being Hunted you cannot jump off a cliff as a way of denying your body to your predator.
4. Juvies are safe on the beach. (sandy area)
5. You are not permitted to give out player locations in global.
6. Your 3 and 4 calls only have meaning when contesting bodies/ starting a hunt. Using your 2 call does not guarantee your safety. You must wait 5 minutes after 2 calling before announcing aggression.
7.1 Herbivores and Carnivores are not permitted to pack with eachother, care bear eachother or seen lounging around one another.
7.2 ► Herbivores may mixpack with other herbivores. ► Carnivores cannot mixpack with other carnivores.
8. Spinos, Suchos and Barrys are the only Dinosaurs that can sit in Water. While sitting or swimming in water (not a tiny pool/small stream of water) they have protection and cannot be hunted. Spinos, Suchos and Barrys Cannot Ambush or attack other Players from water. They must Leave the Water and then 3 Call.
8.1 If you are 3 called whilst standing in the water (by carnivores only) you aren't protected. If you are being hunted refer to general rule 1 and hunting rule 3.
9. Once a player body drops from combat the body down rules come into play.

Hunting Rules

These Rules apply to all members in a pack.

1. 3 Calling, attacking or ambush running towards a player or pack initiates a hunt.
2. While players or packs are engaged in a hunt they are locked in and other players or packs cannot interfere until the fight is concluded while following the Body Down Rules.
2.1 Only Tier 5 Carnivores may interfere in a hunt. It is there right as apex predators to interfere. The party that gets the kill is condisdered the victor and the rest must follow the body down rules.
3. While being hunted, you may only cross water once to escape predators but only if you are not bleeding.
4. You cannot hunt or ambush a player/pack with a body.(AI and Gore doesn't count) They have Body Down Protection and you must challenge for the body by 3 calling and then follow the Body Down Rules.
5. Once a body drops from combat the Body Down Rules come into play and combat must stop immediately.

Body Down Rules

1. The body belongs to the party that got the kill, even in self defence.
2. The entire pack must stay with the body even if you didnt kill it and someone from the pack did.
3. You cannot leave the body until it is gore, it has despawned or you have been challenged for it. (If you are close to a water source you are permitted to get some water but must return to the body, do so at your own safety, otherwise badluck!)
4. If a body is inedible due to dying in the water or unreachable you may leave it but you are fair game. ( contact an admin to help before letting someone die in the water )
5. You may claim only one body at a time per party.

Contesting a body during a hunt/ body down.

1. Once a player dies from a hunt, the fight must STOP.
2. The losing party must declare there intentions by 3 calling to challenge for the Body or to 4 Call and surrender the body.
3. (During the same engagement) If both parties 3 call for the downed body it becomes a fight to the death regardless of bodies. Choose wisely!

Contesting for a body with a player sitting at it.

1. Players can challenge for a body by 3 calling. You must allow 10 seconds for the other player to respond with either a 3 or 4 call. A 3 call means they accept your challenge and you can fight till a body drops, while a 4 call is forfeiting the challenge.
2. If the party with the claimed body has 4 called, they are giving up the body and are therefor protected from the challenger while the body is still there. The challenger(s) must eat the body to gore to then be able to continue hunting. Gore does not count as a Body.
3. You are considered fair game to any other predators after 4 call surrendering. (Staying by the body after 4 calling can be dangerous so do so at your own risk.)

Leaving a Body for Water.

1. you must be below 10% water to leave a body to go to a near water source more then a few screens away to drink and atleast 1 pack member must stay behind to claim the body if applicable.
2. If you leave the body you do not have body protection until you return.
3. you must return to the body asap afterwards.
4. If a player sees you more then a few screens away from the body while drinking and they may start a hunt and you cannot run back to the body to claim body protection or involve pack members who are already on the body until the hunt is over.

Lightclaw 10 Feb, 2024 @ 3:23am 
Does the discord exist anymore?
Lightclaw 7 Sep, 2023 @ 2:51am 
SgtRedChilli 16 Mar, 2022 @ 9:09pm 
Enter chat room
14 January, 2020