Rust[US East]Cappyland NJG26Cappy
Rust[US East]Cappyland NJG26Cappy
12 April, 2014
ABOUT Rust[US East]Cappyland

Rust [US EAST]Cappyland

Community Group Playing RUST

Server Name: "[US EAST]Missions/TP/OwnRem/NoDur/Nodcay/1/2Craft/PvP"

RUST Server:


Fall Damage isOff
Item Durability is Off
Building Decay is now Off
Crafting is Half Time

Server Mods we are using

Now Using Rusty - Server RCON administration tool 1.39

Remover tool use /remove ,and use any melee or firearm to remove building parts. (use at your own risk)
Compass toggle off and on (Off by default) /compass
Groups /ghelp
Uber Arena used only for borders on funhouse of loot.
Bushy Coin Store Sell/Buy Items Via chat /coin
Base Alarms
Bushy chat History /history
Bushy Location shows xyz /location
Bushy TPA request teleport to another player Type /tpr <name> to request a teleport to someone.
Type /tpa to accept a teleport request.
DeathHandler shows player killed and killer with what weapon
Decay ,Stops decay on players buildings /decay
Doorshare allows sharing of all your doors to another player /share /unshare /sharelist
Starter Kit gives player some help getting started /kits or /kit starter
Player List shows all players currently in game /list
Oxmin Admin Mod,Makes my job easier....
Advanced Missions 2.0.3 use /mission

Thank you for Playing on the Server
COINSTORE INFO see discussion or

**We as admins are not here to give back items lost in restarts, game glitches,stolen or pvp lost items and bugs. So please unless you're whole character data is lost do not ask Admins to replace lost items. This is a ALPHA game in development and these things occur,**
Only Cappy and RjaKotari can assist you with these Issues.

Note: Certain Issues may be a legitimate cause for a Item/s return,but these are rare occasions and will be decided by the Admin/s on duty.
  • Several new loot houses along the Road with contain respawnable loots.

  • Player backpacks are now locked for 10 mins. So you will need to carry a lockpick with ya to access.

  • Research Kits can no longer be researched.

  • Explosives and C4 charges cannot be crafted at this time.

  • C4 and explosive crafting will be activated once the Players get a chance to build up a bit.

    Airdrops and respawned loots will contain a higher chance of these items
    dropping. So do not be confused that C4 will not be available, A few players in just 1 day have already looted C4 in the double digits.

  • Some eye friendly colors in chat messages will help the players better read system messages and pvp kills alot easier.

  • Some Item have been removed from the store to sell ex. Research Kits

  • Prices on the sell option in store have been reduced to better help the server economy.

    Welcome back.....,Cappy

Vote for Wipe
Cappy 12 Jul, 2014 @ 3:49pm 
Due to inactivity the Rust servers are offline until the new ver. is released, Thank you for your patience as we all wait and wait. :headbash:
Cappy 3 Jul, 2014 @ 11:05am 
I added just a few mods to the Vanilla server to aid players in simple tasks. Remove Placed items, list, history and the missions are in.:bears:

The IP for the Vanilla server is net.connect
Server Name is "Cappyland Vanilla Rust":rust:
Cappy 22 May, 2014 @ 7:10pm 
Alot of new changes to come. Vip3r has been working on the test server working the new remove mod. Looks great:rust: so far and alot of changes, thanks Vip3r.
Admins and Moderators do not panic as the oxmin was updated and all flags removed. They will be added back as you log in. We are looking as well to rework the flag system to allow us all more flexibilty with admin control to ensure players no Admins can "EVER" take advantage or abuse.This ensures your gameplay to be the most fair we can make it. I want to thank you all for your patience as we work into the new patches and changes to come.
Cappy 16 May, 2014 @ 10:09am 
:Crowned:Grats Arnold,
Promoted to Admin Mod status and can now help players with more player specific needs.
Cappy 15 May, 2014 @ 9:04am 
I would Like to Welcome back Netvip3r, Vip3r was one of our 1st Admins here and has been with me since the start of the server. Unfortunatly he had some real life issues that kept him from the server for a few months. He is very good with the mods and learned me alot about them. He will be back as a Main Admin and Back end Server admin to work on the mod cutomization. Please extend the same respect as you would to me.
Cappy 13 May, 2014 @ 11:43am 
Been waiting for the "Patch" to wipe but think we are gonna do a freshen up and blast her clean later tonight,,,,,:tire:
Enter chat room
12 April, 2014