กลุ่ม STEAM
Equestria At War EAW5
กลุ่ม STEAM
Equestria At War EAW5
14 กรกฎาคม 2013
United States 
เกี่ยวกับ Equestria At War


this is a equestria at war brony page, if you are with the New lunar republic, the solar empire, the changeling horde, the chrystal empire, the discord confederacy, or the alliance of the human bloods then join.. if your a neutral just stay out of chat. and may the gods be with you all HAIL HAIL!

look for a discussion board that is named " the factions of the wargrounds" and put in the comment area what faction yoru apart of.

1. Respect the MODS and Owner
2. Respect your fellow RP-ers (No Cyberbullying)
3. No Bunny-moding (Controlling other people unless the person says so)
4. No God-moding (Do whatever you want, when you want)
5. No Meta-gaming (You know whats going to happen)
6. No Double Posting (Give a person a chance to react after you) 
7. No Humans or other creatures are allowed, only ponies.
8. No Time Controlling Skills or Timelords (unless approved)
12. Always check your grammar so the other rp-ers can understand the post and or the replies
13. No offensive photos, videos, or urls/url link (NSFW material and or Rule 34)
13. Each of the moderators will check all the roleplay post in order to check if they are not breaking the rules
14. No violence will be tolerated this means posting videos or images showing them
15. No sexual role-play will be tolerated, this means posting images, jokes, innuendos, words like: rape, raep, etc
16.When one of the rules is broken by a role player this will be notified in the same post where the rule was broken, if its too severe the role-play will be tagged for deletion and the role player will be notified why it was flagged
17. A warning count will be added to the rules and will be assigned if the user broke a rule:
- first warning: the user will be notified in a private post why he/she broke the rule
- second warning: if the user insist of posting and breaking the rules it will be notified in the Discussion Category in order to let the other see which rule he/she broke
- thrid and last warning: the post will be deleted and the user will be banned and removed from the community
Note: Each of the warning will be explained why it was assignated to the role-player
18. If a another role player want to sign up as an existing character, the role player who have the same name or character, must give the chance to the other person to role play and not make a big fuss about there is another char like one.

19. no personal armies of your own.

20. moderators are superior officers

21. You can earn rank by; getting others to join, contributing to the community overall, honorable acts of valor, bettering Equestria and keeping it safe from threats both foreign and domestic.
23. Your OC must be an equine or an MLP race. This means pony, changeling, zebra, griffin, or dragon.
24. No humans
25. universal crossovers
New owner selected
Group announcement! inportant
ผู้แนะนำบน STEAM
Equestria At War บทวิจารณ์
"Planetside 2, 7days to die, Garry's mod, Team Fortteress 2"
นี่คือบทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดบางส่วนจาก Equestria At War
261 ความเห็น
Coco_Grimalken 2 มิ.ย. 2024 @ 11: 26pm 
"The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world than you found in this one."
Wulf 14 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 5: 05pm 
Big B**** 10 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 10: 19pm 
hey slowly people are talking
Snaxxor 1 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 4: 55pm 
I wish i was a part of the events you guys did :C
Shadowed Kalibur 1 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 4: 54pm 
huh, i thought my old group died, surprising to see this is still going on even past when i left it.
Snaxxor 29 มิ.ย. 2016 @ 8: 01pm 
I can't believe it's been 3 years or so since i first joined this group
3 ในแช็ต
14 กรกฎาคม 2013
United States