

[A17] Borg Race
Cicero 24 Jun, 2017 @ 6:06am
Lorefriendly Suggestions
(Disclaimer: I have absolutely NO idea how Rimworld programming works and what is and isn't feasible, so I'll just throw everything into the room as raw ideas )

As a Star Trek obsessed person;


- Maybe change food/sleep need to energy need that gets refilled at the Alcove. Depending on the energy necessity it could be balanced
- Add a Borg tech shield, either a retextured vanilla shield OR if by any means possible a shield with infinite energy that only kicks in after the pawn was hit multiple times.
Maybe also reduce this shield's effectiveness to energy weapons (burn/electric/etc damage)

- Drone classes:
Implant based drone classes like Tactical, Heavy, Med, Worker, etc.
( http://stexpanded.wikia.com/wiki/Borg_drone )

- Include a vinculum as a central nexus. Functions could include
> mind control of X pawns (keeping the collective together)
> certain buffs
> increased visits by borg factions

- NO borg queen ( I personally hate the concept, just my opinion )

- Borg materials (not the drones) should get a very slow regeneration buff to mirror the Borg in the ST Universe). To balance it you could make drones terrible at repairs

- Trait assimilation. A probability of giving all pawns/drones a trait of a newly assimilated pawns

- Multiple step assimilation
I got this idea from how it was portrayed in ST: First Contact. First assimilation (tubes) to remove their will (like unconscious) and then the full assimilation at the equivalent of a hospital bed (exoskeleton, drone arm, etc)

- Tech-assimilator:

Basically a workbench where you make normal tech into usable borg-tech.
(component -> borg-component, medicine -> nanite container, steel+stone -> tritanium, battery -> power node)

- A teleportation device similar to this - now dead - mod:

( https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=7570.0 // https://github.com/HaploX1/RimWorld-Teleportation )

- Giving other sentient beings in Rimworld a horror debuff similar to the Cthulhu mod when dealing with the Borg and one if one of them gets assimilated

Now all of these seemingly make the Borg an OP race and that would make them.....boring over time.
So here are lore-friendly suggestions to make them balance

- Slow movement speed. Borg don't run
- high energy need
- no shields against projectile weapons

and here comes the one HUGE downside that would make the Borg interesting and is also absolutely lore-friendly:

- Remove the ability to draft them

Now hear me out. It gets mentioned time and time again in the series, films and books that "the borg won't attack if they don't perceive you as a threat"

Any raid or siege could attack until they actually damage drones or base. THEN drafting should either be possible as normal or even auto-draft until the threat got removed ( Borg don't retreat....most of the time)

You could also include a separate vanilla draft option by building the vinculum making it more important

also possible:

- no non-borg visitors
- no (okay, that sounds extreme) trade with non-borg

But thanks for the great mod in advance!
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shadowstalker1857 30 Jul, 2017 @ 12:48am 
amazing mod and work but I only got one question do you want to ask Jecrel developer of the ctuhulu mod and his team on making progress on the mod with you they are helping others as well. From a fan of you mod :3
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