Arma 3
DUWS Modified: African Conflict (UNSUPPORTED)
Ceitho  [developer] 5 Jan, 2015 @ 8:05am
I am very willing to create further DUWS conversions using other mods (preferably total conversions) Post your suggestions here, though there may be a relatively long turnaround due to real life commitments. (I doubt I will be creating an RHS version or a Community upgrade Project version as I am aware that it has/is being done by others already.)
Last edited by Ceitho; 6 Jan, 2015 @ 4:15pm
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Greavsie93 10 Jan, 2015 @ 8:26am 
The RHS version doesn't use the modified version of DUWS. It would be nice to see Dynamic Russian War System on Chernarus.

Also, what about the US Faction from RHS and Takistani Insurgents from Warfare Thai Ex on Takistan?
Ceitho  [developer] 10 Jan, 2015 @ 8:28am 
I already have an RHS DUWS modified practically ready for release, however I know that there is already an RHS version of the unmodified DUWS on the workshop, I may release it in the coming days. As for the second suggestion, and I'm aware that RHS uses different armor and penetration values compared to vanilla A3, so functionallity would come into question. I would aslo like to keep dependencies down, preferably along the lines of total conversions similar to RHS and African conflict, many thanks for your ideas however. -Ceitho
Last edited by Ceitho; 10 Jan, 2015 @ 8:43am
Greavsie93 10 Jan, 2015 @ 8:46am 
I understand about keeping dependencies low. I'm looking forward to RHS DUWS whenever it is you decide to release it. The non modified version already released means that when you die and respawn, you lose access to MCC mod. I like to have access to MCC and Zeus as it gives me more freedom with missions, and the modifed version allows me to do that.

For my second suggestion, all I am really looking for is to fight Takistani Insurgents. I'd make it myself but I don't even know where to begin :)
Big Slit Breacher 8 Feb, 2015 @ 10:45am 
Something I've been wanting to do, yet don't necessarily have the knowledge to do is take the DUWS to the A3CV pack and have the Vietnam War and DUWS at my disposal. If I had the experience and knew what I was doing when changing units and whatnot, I'd do it myself. I'm trying to basically teach myself right now.

I was wanting a Vietnam experience to hold me over until the Unsung comes out for ARMA 3. Once it hit I'd love to take all of its parts and use with the DUWS as well, but for right now I just really would like to just have the A3CV and DUWS merge so I can have me some Vietnam DUWS on any of the 3 maps included with the pack.
Pneumothorax 22 Aug, 2015 @ 5:10pm 
A DUWS of the newest Halo converions Operation Trebuchet would be nice
Ceitho  [developer] 22 Aug, 2015 @ 5:15pm 
It will be day...
Pneumothorax 22 Aug, 2015 @ 5:17pm 
I wish there was a server that played this mission
Ceitho  [developer] 22 Aug, 2015 @ 5:38pm 
DUWS doesnt work with servers due to the nature of the setup I'm afraid
Pneumothorax 22 Aug, 2015 @ 9:58pm 
Think you could make a version where you play as the United Nations?
Ceitho  [developer] 23 Aug, 2015 @ 4:35am 
I could, but in my eyes it doesnt really make contextual sense
Pneumothorax 23 Aug, 2015 @ 11:34am 
It doesn't make much sense, But it would still be fun... I remeber a scene at the end of a movie called Black Hawk down where the UN moves in a convoy to rescue some rangers,
Pneumothorax 24 Aug, 2015 @ 12:14pm 
Think you could make a UN version though? :o
Ceitho  [developer] 24 Aug, 2015 @ 1:36pm 
Maybe one day? I'm being honest here, I dobut I'll get round to it, my focus, when I get back to DUWS converting will be doing the Halo mod and RHS, African conflict is essentially finished as far as I'm concerned
Pneumothorax 24 Aug, 2015 @ 2:01pm 
Ah.. Damn.
Pneumothorax 27 Aug, 2015 @ 6:16pm 
Whats the ETA on the OPTRE DUWS?
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