Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

M4 Sherman Tankı
M4 Sherman Remove Hotwired
Was simple fix after I looked you will want to fallow this address

C:\Users\YOU\Zomboid\mods\M4ShermanTank\media\lua\client ~ M4ShermanTank_Main.lua

local EnteredTank = function(vehicle, playerObj)
if not vehicle:isDriver(playerObj) then return end
if not vehicle:isHotwired() then vehicle:setHotwired(true) end
BB_ShermanUtils.DoTankArmor(playerObj, vehicle)

You will want to locate. vehicle:setHotwired(true) Change (true) To (false)

That should stop the Tank's from always being hotwired instead of having M4'S that cant be hotwired via player and or saying in perfect condition but wont start.. if this hasn't helped LMK:munchies: