

Project RimFactory - Insanity
[BUG] Issue when placing down a S.A.L. Prime crafter on a non-existing station
Hello, as per the title, I'd like to report a bug. Also, bear in mind that while I only mentioned the S.A.L. Prime, I imagine this might apply to all other crafters as well, since it's likely the same coding went into the others

- Description -

When trying to reinstall a S.A.L. Prime on a station, an error will occur if said station is removed before the crafter is reinstalled successfully. If this occurs, you will be unable to uninstall, reinstall, deconstruct, or even destroy said crafter using weapons. The error log for this event is as follows:

[DSGUI] Found no valid target. Handing execution to vanilla again. JobDriver threw exception in toil MakeNewToils's initAction for pawn Jane driver=JobDriver_Uninstall (toilIndex=3) driver.job=(Uninstall (Job_4601548) A=Thing_PRF_GodlyCrafter1030657) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_AutoMachineTool.DeSpawn (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00001] in <d4c6258301ca460c91343d98ad4f10c1>:0 at Verse.Thing.DeSpawnOrDeselect (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x0001f] in <446267b72ea8432286db63aecc70cf59>:0 at RimWorld.MinifyUtility.MakeMinified (Verse.Thing thing) [0x00024] in <446267b72ea8432286db63aecc70cf59>:0 at RimWorld.MinifyUtility.Uninstall (Verse.Thing th) [0x0002b] in <446267b72ea8432286db63aecc70cf59>:0 at RimWorld.JobDriver_Uninstall.FinishedRemoving () [0x00006] in <446267b72ea8432286db63aecc70cf59>:0 at RimWorld.JobDriver_RemoveBuilding.<MakeNewToils>b__12_4 () [0x00029] in <446267b72ea8432286db63aecc70cf59>:0 at Verse.AI.JobDriver.TryActuallyStartNextToil () [0x001b0] in <446267b72ea8432286db63aecc70cf59>:0 (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)

- Steps to Reproduce -

  1. Build a workstation where you might install a crafter
  2. Order to reinstall a S.A.L. Prime crafter to said workstation
  3. Before the S.A.L. gets delivered to its new location, deconstruct or otherwise remove said workstation
  4. Proceed with the reinstallation of the S.A.L. crafter to the new spot with the now non-existing workstation
  5. Verify that you can no longer uninstal/reinstall/deconstruct/destroy the S.A.L. crafter

I hope this provides all necessary information, however feel free to let me know if there's anything else I may help with
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Harbl; 24. Juni 2023 um 8:35
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I find it a bit odd that you posted your report here.
The S.A.L Prime Crafter (along with all other variants) is included in Project Rimfactory Revived, not the Insanity Addon.

Nonetheless I can confirm your report. We will take a look at making it more robust.
As a workaround you may place any workbench at the expected position, Save & Reload and it should work again.
Harbl 24. Juni 2023 um 22:34 
oh, welp. I think its description mentions something about it being the first step towards insanity, guess I just assumed it belonged to this bit without double-checking. Thank you for the workaround; I directly deleted the placed crafter by editing the save file, which also worked without any adverse effects

In any case, sorry for the mix-up, and thank you for your time
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Harbl; 25. Juni 2023 um 3:40
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