Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

154 人が評価
DIN1415 - PO Font Pack + Prop
Assets: Prop
1.735 MB
2018年5月6日 15時58分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

DIN1415 - PO Font Pack + Prop

This pack contains 7 Fonts and a Prop.


The font is DIN1451 (used on German traffic signs - other contries as well).

DIN1451 - Normal
DIN1451BNo1 - Blue Background 2 Numbers/Box (NUMBERS ONLY!)
DIN1451BNo2 - Blue Background 1 Number/Box (NUMBERS ONLY!)
DIN1451ONo1 - Orange Background
DIN1451ONo2 - Orange Background with Border
DIN1451G - Green Background
DIN1451W - White Background


!IMPORTANT - You can only use space for DIN1451, for the other ones use [ or ] (can also be used as straight corners for start or end) for rounded corners start or end use { or } .

The font has been "kerned" so ALWAYS USA SPACING 0.

The pack also contains 5 fonts with icons (DIN1451, DIN1451ONo1, DIN1451ONo2, DIN1451G, DIN1451W).

The fonts DIN1451BNo1 and DIN1451BNo2 only contain numbers.
In order to get the number 7 (as in screenshot) you have to select the font DIN1451BNo2 and press 7 and & (7 + shift).
In order to get the number69 (as in screenshot) you have to select the font DIN1451BNo1 and press 6 and ( (9 + shift).

+ is airport icon
= is petrol station icon
% is restaurant icon
# is hotel icon
; is informations icon
< is tunnel icon
> is highway icon
@ is telephone icon

ARROWS ARE ONLY AVAILIBLE IN DIN1451 - to use them press [ or ]


The prop is called "Highway Sign". (can bee seen in the screenshot)

~300 tris / 2048x1024 px


Thanks to Simon for making this awesome mod.

Made with love by Cozonaq ^^
38 件のコメント
jake.whisby 2024年8月28日 20時03分 
sort of a weird name had trouble finding it but, glad when I did!
me0w 2023年5月22日 8時45分 
how to use it?
slavonator 2021年12月28日 9時23分 
@Conzaq your font is absolutelly amazing man. but i cant find restaurant icon. i have in % WC icon. what is wrong please?
rlas 2021年12月3日 14時55分 
Hello, i would like to maybe make a black version of the Normal font. Would you share the site u have these fonts from? Did you purchase them or how did u get them? Thank you for ur help :)
MaxiKevey 2021年5月4日 9時40分 
This font is absolutely amazing, I wish there where more symbols though. For example ferries or hospitals.
slavonator 2020年12月4日 4時49分 
Cozonaq Inc.
thank you for your answer and help, but i really dont know how i can do it. so hope somebody can do it with your link and update it if i good understand what you wrote. bcause i dont know work with this files, i am not moder u know?
and also dont understand what you mean that profont file format was change and this can be reason why game crashes.
Cozonaq Inc.  [作成者] 2020年12月4日 3時12分 
Hi, unfortunately I dropped support for all my CS assets. I am very busy with university lately so I don't have much time left for other stuff. As far as I know, the .pofont file format has changed since I released this font, so that might be the reason why your game crashes, but it's just a theory, I did not test it. Even if I cannot help you directly, here is a wetransfer link with the source files. ( ) It will be up for 7 days. You are free to update it (add any missing letters or icons), fix it (if it needs that) and re-release it, as long as you mark me as a creator as well.
slavonator 2020年12月4日 2時11分 
thanks for your help. but i was try all letters and all possible combinations with ALT GR but really cant find „µ“ Letter. but i try again maybe i will find. but i have another problem from yestrday. when i use text customization after several minutes my game crash. i dont know if DIN mod or PO mod are some incompatibilities. do you know where can be problem? and after crash my game strating long time and use too much RAM. over 32 GB. only after reset PC it works normally until another crash.
uweschmitz 2020年12月3日 17時13分 
I have not tried it because my Game won't run at the moment... but looking at the DIN1451BNo1 and DIN1451BNo2 Fonts and compare the "position" the Restaurant Icon should be - it looks to me that it should be the „µ“ Letter ([Alt Gr] or [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M])
I'm not sure if that works at all, but maybe give it a try.
slavonator 2020年12月3日 9時32分 
@Cozonaq Inc.
this is perfect mod:steamhappy:
but question. in description is % restaurant icon, but i have WC icon there and cant find restaurant symbol. and more symbols please.. industrial area, port, etc