WarpThrough is a fast and challenging platformer with arcade-inspired gameplay, unique combat, and a short story full of charming characters. Get into the flow and balance beating up monsters with warping through portals. How many dimensions can you survive?
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10. dec. 2019

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HK$ 45.00


“I am very smitten with this game (...) all these mechanics are hard to get used to, but once you do it's very interesting - I've never played a game like it.”
So... Videogames! Podcast

“If you're interested in a game that has arcade-style gameplay, it's fast and it's fun, don't let the looks throw you off. Let the game speak for itself.”
Pernell (on SML podcast)

“(...) not moving for about a second charges up an attack which can then be unleashed by pressing up, down, left or right, immediately annihilating any and all in range. (...) Fun? You bet ya.”

Om dette spil

In WarpThrough you won't survive by running around and spamming the attack button.
Because there is no attack button.

Stop moving to charge your attack, and when the time is right - move to that monster to beat it up!

Inspired by indie classics such as Towerfall Ascension, Super Crate box and Downwell, WarpThrough is all about skill-based, fun, and unique gameplay.


  • Tense combat
    Fight or flee using the unique attacks and tight platforming controls
  • Hostile dimensions
    Beat up a variety of monsters as you warp further and further
  • Unlockable characters with their own attacks
    - Charlotte, destroying enemies with fiery punches
    - Three, armed with a gun, which would be useful if only he could aim
    - Ebbie, taking her dog Ball for a walk
    - Manor, electrocuting monsters that fall in his traps
  • A short (1-2 hour) story full of charming personalities
    brace the dimensions, save your friends and stop the monsters!
  • And much more!
    local co-op, weekly challenges, different modes, etc.

Your goal is to warp through as many dimensions as possible... but the monsters won't make that easy for you.

Gameplay is WarpThrough’s core, but it’s cast of characters are not just there for show!
In the story mode you’ll get to know the hot-headed Charlotte and her dad Manor, a scientist researching other dimensions.
Along with them are Three, who's very excited about ... everything.. and Ebbie, who's dog is eager to go warp around where no dog has gone before.
In this short story mode you’ll get to unlock new levels, discover how to play with all of the characters, and try putting a stop to the monsters that invaded your home!


    • Styresystem *: Windows 8+
    • Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-6006U CPU @ 2.00GHz / AMD Athlon II x2 2.40GHz
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: GeForce GT 710
    • Diskplads: 1 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: Likely playable on older versions of Windows, but that still needs to be tested
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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