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A golden dream, and a closed world. A spiral staircase into the garden of the mind. What lies beyond gilded wonderland?
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Очень положительные (169) - 82% из 169 обзоров положительные.
Дата выхода:
19 окт. 2018 г.
0:00 / 0:00
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Сыграть в Fallstreak


Об этой игре

The land of Socotrine— a hidden garden surrounded by a border of reality-distorting mist.
Fallstreak tells the tale of Adelise Cotard, a young girl that enters a timeless golden dream when she falls asleep.
How are her dreams related to the Fire of Collapse, a mysterious disaster ten years ago in which prismatic flames rained from the sky, and how does it connect with her ultimate goal: escape from the closed world of Socotrine?

Fallstreak is a linear visual novel that combines elements of traditional storytelling with modern components of dark fantasy and psychological thriller to create a unique narrative experience.


- Writing: 80,000 Word Script
- Character Sprites: 13 Unique Character Sprites
- Backgrounds: 30+ Unique BGs
- Illustrations: 12 Event CGs
- Original Sound Track: 23 Tracks

Описание контента для взрослых

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Depictions of extreme violence and cruelty are contained within Fallstreak. Heavy psychological themes are also prevalent.


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