Get ready for the mind blowing insanity! Play as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries and take out everything that stands in your way! With its addictive action, frantic first-person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op, Borderlands is a breakthrough experience that challenges all the...
Останні рецензії:
дуже схвальні (96) - 90% з 96 рецензій за останні 30 дн. є позитивними.

Цей продукт зазнав один чи більше періодів непритаманної активності рецензій. Згідно з вашими налаштуваннями такі рецензії не впливатимуть на загальну оцінку продукту.
Усі рецензії:
дуже схвальні (18,804) * - 93% з 18,804 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.

Цей продукт зазнав один чи більше періодів непритаманної активності рецензій. Згідно з вашими налаштуваннями такі рецензії не впливатимуть на загальну оцінку продукту.
Дата виходу:
31 серп. 2023

Увійдіть до акаунта, щоби додати цей продукт до списку бажаного чи позначити як ігнорований.

Рецензія куратора

Автор: Red Force- 1 серпня 2016 р.

«Not many people played Borderlands as they came around in the Borderlands 2 days, but this game despite its age still provides a great experience.»

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Увага: На вимогу видавця Borderlands Game of the Year більше не показується у крамниці Steam і в результатах пошуку.

Придбати Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Містить товари (61 шт.): Borderlands GOTY, Borderlands GOTY Enhanced, Borderlands 2 ROW, Borderlands 3, Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Borderlands DLC: Mad Moxxi, Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, Borderlands: Claptrap's Robot Revolution, Borderlands 2 Season Pass, Borderlands 2 Captain Scarlett and her Pirates Booty DLC WW, Mr. Torgues Campaign of Carnage, Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt DLC WW, Borderlands 2 - Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary (WW), Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack, Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack, Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2, Borderlands 2: Collectors Edition Pack, Borderlands 2: Creature Slaughterdome, Borderlands 2 Headhunter 1: Bloody Harvest, Borderlands 2: Headhunter 2: Wattle Gobbler, Borderlands 2: Headhunter 3: Mercenary Day, Borderlands 2: Headhunter 4: Wedding Day Massacre, Borderlands 2: Headhunter 5: Son of Crawmerax, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Season Pass, Handsome Jack Doppleganger Pack, The Holodome Onslaught, Lady Hammerlock the Baroness Pack, Claptastic Voyage & Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2, Shock Drop Slaughter Pit, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Ultra HD Texture Pack, Borderlands 3: Season Pass, Borderlands 3: Season Pass 2, Borderlands 3: Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles, Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood, Borderlands 3: Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck, Borderlands 3: Designer's Cut, Borderlands 3: Director's Cut, BL3 Digital Deluxe Extras, BL3 Boost Mods Pack, BL3 Butt Stallion Cosmetic Pack, Borderlands 3: Gearbox Cosmetic Pack, Borderlands 3: Neon Cosmetic Pack, Borderlands 3: Retro Cosmetic Pack, Borderlands 3: Toy Box Weapons Pack, Borderlands 3: Gold Weapons Skins Pack, Borderlands 3: Amara Final Form Pack, Disciples of the Vault Amara Cosmetic Pack, Borderlands 3: Zane Final Form Pack, Disciples of the Vault Zane Cosmetic Pack, Borderlands 3: Moze Final Form Pack, Disciples of the Vault Moze Cosmetic Pack, Borderlands 3: FL4K Final Form Pack, Disciples of the Vault FL4K Cosmetic Pack, Tales from the Borderlands, New Tales from the Borderlands, New Tales from the Borderlands: набір Adventure Capital, Borderlands 2: Vault Hunter Cosmetics Megapack, Borderlands 2 Psycho Pack

HK$ 1,141.80

Про цю гру

Lock, Load, & Face the Madness
Get ready for the mind blowing insanity! Play as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries and take out everything that stands in your way!
With its addictive action, frantic first-person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op*, Borderlands is a breakthrough experience that challenges all the conventions of modern shooters. Borderlands places you in the role of a mercenary on the lawless and desolate planet of Pandora, hell-bent on finding a legendary stockpile of powerful alien technology known as The Vault.
  • Role Playing Shooter (RPS) - Combines frantic first-person shooting action with accessible role-playing character progression
  • Co-Op Frenzy - Fly solo in single player or drop in and out with up to 4 Player Co-Op online for a maniacal multiplayer experience
  • Bazillions of Guns - Gun lust fulfilled with rocket-launching shotguns, enemy-torching revolvers, SMGs that fire lightning rounds, and tons more
  • Radical Art Style - New visual style combines traditional rendering techniques with hand-drawn textures to create a unique and eye-catching spin on the First Person genre
  • Intense Vehicular Combat - Get behind the wheel and engage in intense vehicle-to-vehicle combat


THE ZOMBIE ISLAND OF DOCTOR NED: Enter the corporate owned small town known as Jakobs Cove and put an end to the rumors of the walking “undead.” New areas, new missions, new enemies, Oh My!

MAD MOXXI’S UNDERDOME RIOT: Celebrate the grand opening of Marcus Bank by taking on hundreds of foes in the only competitive arena around where you’re coming back famous... or not at all.

THE SECRET ARMORY OF GENERAL KNOXX: Want more of the Borderlands story and more loot than you could possibly figure out what to do with? Add new guns, missions, vehicles and more!

CLAPTRAP’S NEW ROBOT REVOLUTION: This destructive adventure invites you to battle a vicious new threat, a massive uprising of your former friends: the claptraps.

Системні вимоги

    • OS *: Windows XP/Vista
    • Processor: 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor with SSE2 support
    • Memory: 1GB System RAM (2GB recommended with Vista)
    • Graphics: 256mb video ram or better (GeForce 7 series or higher/Radeon HD3000 series or higher)
    • Hard Drive: 8 GB or more free space
    • Sound: Windows compatible sound card
* З 1 січня 2024 року клієнт Steam буде підтримувати лише Windows 10 чи новіші версії цієї ОС.

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