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As an elite SWAT operator, think fast and put your tactics to the test to master a series of missions and save lives. Summon your team of up to four players in online and local co-op, or hone your skills solo. Don’t just be the best—be the best of the best.
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Sehr positiv (445) - 81 % der 445 Nutzerrezensionen für dieses Spiel sind positiv.
26. Feb. 2021
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Enthält 2 Artikel: Hot Brass, Hot Brass Original Soundtrack


Infos zum Spiel

When SWAT gets the call, everything else has failed. Experience the high-risk world of the elite SWAT operator.

The job is tense, and every split-second decision has consequences. From infiltration to de-escalation: keen awareness, expert tactics and a strategic use of equipment are key to becoming a master of tactical strategy.

  • MASTER EACH MISSION: From hostage rescue to a terrorist bomb threat, arresting a biker gang boss or foiling a casino heist, each mission offers its own set of challenges to learn and overcome.
  • EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY ENCOUNTER: You'll need everything at your disposal to infiltrate and resolve each situation. Find the right tool for the right task!
  • MULTIPLE POINTS OF ENTRY: The obvious entrance isn't always best. Sneak around back or simply blast through the wall. Almost everything in the environment is destructible, allowing players to destroy windows, doors and walls to gain the upper hand.
  • UTILISE YOUR SURROUNDINGS: Crouch behind cover and slide over low objects to ensure you're in the safest and most advantageous position, whatever the situation.
  • GATHER YOUR UNIT: Play with 1-4 players in online and local co-op.
  • CHALLENGE YOURSELF: How quickly can you read a situation? Find the best strategy for every scenario. You'll only complete a perfect mission with zero infractions and zero casualties.

Beschreibung nicht jugendfreier Inhalte

Der Entwickler beschreibt die Inhalte wie folgt:

Includes mild violence and blood.


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