A collection of tiny experimental games (and "notgames") inspired by travel.
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Release Date:
18 Sep, 2012

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Play The Gametrekking Omnibus



“Very impressive.”
Patrick Klepek (senior reporter at Kotaku)

“What I have played can only be described as poetic.”
Raph Koster (author of A Theory of Fun for Game Design)

“A unique project, and one that pushes the medium a little bit further into new ground.”
Chris Bateman (author of Imaginary Games and Beyond Game Design)

About This Game

The Gametrekking Omnibus is a collection of tiny games (and "notgames") inspired by travel in Asia.

In 2010, after a successful Kickstarter, I set off to travel Asia on a shoestring budget with a vague plan to create small, experimental games about the things that impacted me along the way. This omnibus, originally released in 2012, and now available on Steam ten years later, is a collection of the games that came out of that journey.

Note: these games do not present an objective perspective on the countries they depict. Rather, they are subjective reflections on the experiences and histories that impacted a vagabond outsider traveling through these locations--a kind of travel writing made up of interactive sketches.

The games in this collection represent small, unusual videogames that require no particular gaming skills, and rarely take more than five minutes to play through. They have few clear rules or objectives, and seldom include elements that align with traditional notions of "fun." Rather, they are games about slowing down and paying attention, being open to unusual experience, encountering the other, and processing response. I often refer to them as "notgames" or "game poems."

The Game trekking project has been featured by Wired, PC Gamer, EGM, Le Monde, and others, and even included in The Cambridge History of Travel Writing. I hope you enjoy checking out this unusual collection.

The following games are included in the omnibus:

  • Freedom Bridge
  • Loneliness
  • Status Quo (aka "Taiwan")
  • The Kindness of Strangers
  • The Heart Attack
  • Grandmother
  • The Killer
  • A Brief History of Cambodia

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

Explores some disturbing themes and includes some photographs depicting violence during the Vietnam War.

System Requirements

    • Storage: 60 MB available space

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