Chronicles of cyberpunk is an adventure in the city, where power belongs to the Big Brother and his supercomputer. Freedom of actions and thoughts is just an illusion
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Pozitive (38) - 89% din cele 38 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
7 dec. 2017

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Joacă Chronicles of cyberpunk



“The developer has very sincerely and cinematographically approached the creation of his game. Atmospheric game with the spirit of cyberpunk, interesting graphics, quality soundtracks and unusual illustrations.”
QQ Reviews

“Simple shapes and mesmerizing melodies give us a picture of a depressing future, where people do not think of life without technology, where everything is controlled by the Big Brother, and from freedom there is only an illusion.”
5 minutes of game

“-Amazing Soundtrack - Epic Environment - Multiple hours of GamePlay - Low Poly Graphics - Cyberpunk Defenetly Recommeded to Buy!”
PilotLumpa Gaming

Despre acest joc

Chronicles of cyberpunk is an adventure in the city, where power belongs to the Big Brother and his supercomputer. People mysteriously disappear in the city. Who is behind all this? Why do they need it? Why are you here? The city controls all spheres of people’s lives, it will not let you go, it’s impossible to hide from its tracking and control systems. Freedom of actions and thoughts is just an illusion

Key Features:
  • immerse yourself into the amazing and atmospheric world of cyberpunk, available for exploration in 9 locations. A world where people and technology live as a whole, where the city is like a living organism that is constantly watching all spheres of human life;
  • communicate with more than 100 citizens and find out the truth about what is happening in the city. There is some action in the game, but for the most part it is focuses on quiet passage;
  • fight to the 5 bosses - guard drones, subordinate to Big Brother;
  • look for the key items and passwords;
  • be careful - the city leaves you clues, do not miss them, because sometimes the most important things is hidden between the lines;
  • enjoy more than 300 hand-drawn illustrations;
  • prepare for unexpected plot twists

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO *: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
    • Procesor: 1.3GHz
    • Memorie: 512 MB RAM
    • Grafică: Nvidia 260GTX, ATI Radeon 4870 HD, Intel HD 3000
    • DirectX: Versiune 9.0c
    • Stocare: 380 MB spațiu disponibil
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.

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