Welcome to the Game II is an atmospheric horror / strategy / puzzle game that takes you into the world of the deep web in search of the shadow web. Play as an investigative reporter trying to solve a case of a mysterious woman broadcasting for help as masked men are on the hunt to kill her.
Nedávné recenze:
Spíše kladné (25) - 76 % z 25 uživatelských recenzí z posledních 30 dní je kladných.
Všechny recenze:
Velmi kladné (2,762) - 85 % z 2,762 uživatelů ohodnotilo tuto hru kladně.
Datum vydání:
3. dub. 2018

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Recenze kurátora

Zveřejnil: Pieseł Gejms 13. listopadu 2018

„Gra horror / Symulator dark webu. Jesteś reporterem który bada sprawe porwanych dziewczyn. Bardzo dobrze buduje napięcie. Polecam dla fanów gatunku oraz dla tych co chcą spróbować czegoś nowego.“

Čeština není podporována

Tento produkt nepodporuje Váš místní jazyk. Seznam podporovaných jazyků je k dispozici níže na této stránce.

Zakoupit Welcome to the Game II

Zakoupit Reflect Studios Collection BALÍČEK (?)

Obsahuje následující položky (celkem 5): Welcome to the Game, Welcome to the Game - Hacker Mode, Welcome to the Game II, Scrutinized, Dead Signal

HK$ 216.75

Informace o hře

Welcome to the Game II is an atmospheric horror / strategy / puzzle game that takes you into the world of the deep web, in search of the shadow web. Why are you in search of the shadow web? Let’s take you back into the story.

You play as Clint Edwards, an investigative reporter in a major metropolitan area. You wake up from a nap to sounds coming from your computer. Someone has sent you a link to a stream that is causing alarm to its viewers. Upon viewing the stream, you see a woman named Amalea who’s scared for her life. Amalea says something about the shadow web, and that there are men in masks hunting her down. When trying to explain her location, the stream abruptly ends. This peaks Clint’s interest, and he must dig deeper to find her before it’s too late. But little does Clint know that the deep web is not a place to poke around. You never know who else is around to poke back.

Welcome to the Game II puts you the task of saving Amalea, and how to get there. You are tasked to seek out 8 hidden hashes to decrypt the shadow web browser. You do this by using a simulated computer operating system on a computer. This simulated operating system will come with tools to help you on your way, such as a web browser (A.N.N), Note taking software, software package purchase options(zeroDAY), and more!

The hidden hashes are spread out through the deep web, on web pages. You find the hashes by carefully examining the page by either clicking around, viewing the page source, or maybe poking around a hidden file somewhere.

While you are on your search for the hidden hashes, you must hack your way into neighbors Wi-Fi’s to be avoid being tracked by the police! Fend off hackers (mini games) from stealing your data, DOSCoin (in game currency), notes. Order products to help you on your mission such as Wi-Fi boosters to get better range, motion sensors. Make DOSCoin(in game currency) by doing certain tasks such as defeating hacks and items to generate you DOS Coin!

This all takes place in your city apartment building, where you must explore around to move around the Wi-Fi dongle, set up motion detectors, go to the drop off location and more! While all doing so by being hunted by the mysterious unknows of the deep web (bad guys).

Systémové požadavky

    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Procesor: 2.4 GHz or Better
    • Paměť: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: GTX 670(or equivalent) 2 GB Of Video Memory would be nice
    • DirectX: Verze 10
    • Pevný disk: 3 GB volného místa
    • Zvuková karta: Any
    • Dodatečné poznámky: Works best in a 16x9 or 16x10 aspect ratio resolution.
    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Procesor: 2.8 GHZ
    • Paměť: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: GTX 970(or equivalent)
    • DirectX: Verze 11
    • Pevný disk: 3 GB volného místa
    • Zvuková karta: Any
    • Dodatečné poznámky: Works best in a 16x9 or 16x10 aspect ratio resolution.
* Od 1. ledna 2024 podporuje klient služby Steam pouze systém Windows 10 a novější.
    • OS: 10.10 +
    • Procesor: 2.4 GHz or Better
    • Paměť: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: 2048
    • Pevný disk: 5 GB volného místa
    • Zvuková karta: Any
    • Dodatečné poznámky: Works best in a 16x9 or 16x10 aspect ration resolution.
    • OS: 10.12
    • Procesor: 2.8 GHZ
    • Paměť: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: 4096
    • Dodatečné poznámky: Works best in a 16x9 or 16x10 aspect ration resolution.
* Od 15. února 2024 přestane klient služby Steam podporovat 32bitové hry na systému macOS verze 10.14 nebo nižší.

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