"Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 with Power Up Kit" is an expanded version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11," which was released in 2006 as the 11th game in the series. The grand battles that shaped the course of Chinese history are shown in 3D space! In Administration, players freely develop cities.
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16. jan. 2018

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Kjøp Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI with Power Up Kit

Kjøp Kou Shibusawa Archives All-in-one PAKKE (?)

Inkluderer 36 produkt: Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika, Bandit Kings of Ancient China, Genghis Khan, Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf, Ishin no Arashi, Kawanakajima no Kassen, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Zenkokuban, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Sengoku Gunyuuden, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Bushou Fuunroku, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Haouden with Power Up Kit, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Tenshouki with Power Up Kit HD Version, NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Shouseiroku with Power Up Kit, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Reppuden with Power Up Kit, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Ranseiki with Power Up Kit, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Soutenroku with Power Up Kit, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Tenkasousei with Power Up Kit, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Kakushin with Power Up Kit, NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Tendou with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms II, Romance of the Three Kingdoms III, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms V with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms X with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI with Power Up Kit, Romance of the Three Kingdoms XII with Power Up Kit, Sangokushi Eiketsuden, Taiko Risshiden, Uncharted Waters, Uncharted Waters II, Winning Post

HK$ 2,743.80

Om spillet

To commemorate Kou Shibusawa's 35th anniversary, the "Kou Shibusawa Archives" will be opened in the Steam Store. Here we will revive popular previously released titles.

In this eleventh round of releases, we offer "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 with Power Up Kit," an expanded version of the 11th game in the series.

The grand battles that shaped the course of Chinese history are shown in 3D space!

In Administration, players freely develop cities. In Battle, players experience intellectual battles using strategies and traps. Duels have evolved into quick paced challenges shown in impressive 3D. In addition, the Power Up Kit adds new scenarios and events, a "Final Battle mode," the "Absorb/Merge system," the "Research skills system," and an "Officer/Base editor."

Note: DLC is not supported for this product.


    • OS: Windows® 10(*Japanese Ver. & Traditional Chinese Ver. only)
    • Prosessor: Pentium III 1GHz over
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: 1024x768 pixel over
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0c
    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: 16 bit stereo, 48KHz WAVE file can be played
    • Tilleggsmerknader:
    • OS: Windows® 10(*Japanese Ver. & Traditional Chinese Ver. only)
    • Prosessor: Pentium III 1GHz over
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: 1024x768 pixel over
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0c
    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: 16 bit stereo, 48KHz WAVE file can be played
    • Tilleggsmerknader:

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