Welcome to the IKEA Virtual Reality kitchen experience, where you can make some virtual pancakes. Our IKEA kitchen specialist will guide you through some of the key aspects of a well-planned kitchen. And look out for the instructions that will help you to prepare those perfect pancakes.
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Av The After-school Occult Club 12. juli 2017

«Köttbullar would be more memeworthy imo. Even so, SWEDEN YES!!»

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Spill IKEA VR Pancake Kitchen

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Om spillet

You can expect to spend about 15 minutes in this VR experience, which we'll support and update until December 2017.

Welcome to the IKEA Virtual Reality kitchen experience, where you can make some virtual pancakes. Before you start, you can choose between bright or dark cabinet fronts.

Our IKEA kitchen specialist will guide you through some of the key apsects of a well-planned kitchen. And look out for the instructions that will help you to prepare those perfect pancakes.

At the end, you can see how the kitchen feels from a child's perspective while you set the table.

Ready for a pancake party? As you master the art of perfect pancakes, why not try to cook pancakes using four pans at the same time?

Press release here:

We'd love to hear your ideas on how we might improve this experience. Or what tips would you give on how to plan a kitchen?

Tips for the best experience
The virtual floor should match your physical floor. If not, the room will feel either too small or too big. Please see below for how to calibrate the floor. You should also set the IPD (distance between the centre of your eyes in millimetres) on the headset to your personal values.

How to calibrate the floor height
1. Place one of the hand controllers or the HMD on the floor
2. To auto-calibrate, press the Home button on your keyboard. To manually adjust floor height, use PageUp/PageDown to move floor up or down one centimetre so the HMD/controllers rest on the virtual floor.


    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • OS *: Windows 7 or higher
    • Prosessor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 -4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
    • Minne: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GeForce GTX 980 or equal
    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: Yes
    • VR-støtte: SteamVR. Standing or Room Scale
    • Tilleggsmerknader: HTC Vive or Oculus Rift VR headset with two working handcontrollers
    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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