Become the WARCUBE. Crush your enemies, siege castles, and bring glory to your six-sided self! These cubes were made for battle, not building.
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Дата выхода:
27 янв. 2017 г.

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Игра в раннем доступе

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Примечание: игры в раннем доступе находятся на стадии разработки. Они могут измениться в будущем или остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

Обратите внимание: разработчики выпустили последнее обновление более 3 лет назад. Информация и сроки, указанные разработчиками, могут больше не соответствовать действительности.
Сообщение от разработчиков

Почему ранний доступ?

«Before you purchase or read, it is important that you consider this before deciding if you want to support Warcube this early:

Warcube is an incomplete game that is in PRE-alpha!

Warcube will be in Early Access on Steam so that I can get it into the hands of players as soon as possible. So that Warcube can be the best hero-cube-medieval-action-adventure-slow-motion game. Wait, I’m not even sure if that’s a genre.

But seriously, the game is not yet done, the game is in a PRE-alpha state. Which means there will be bugs, it will crash, there will be some performance issues for some players, and some gameplay features and locations will be unfinished. But no worries, I’m here! And I’m working hard on it. Let’s be friends!»

Сколько примерно эта игра будет в раннем доступе?

«I've estimated that Warcube will be in Early Access for around a year and a half(until Q2/3 2018). Totally subject to change!»

Чем планируемая полная версия будет отличаться от версии в раннем доступе?

«The full version will probably differ from Early Access in a few ways. From a sheer quantity standpoint it will have much, much MORE

  • Places to explore & conquer.
  • Equipment to use.
  • Enemies to destroy.
  • Extra game modes.
  • Explosions.
  • Easter Eggs.

As well as more optimization, features, and polish too!

It's possible that the final release of Warcube will not play out exactly as it did in the Early Access version. Saves might not carry over all the way through either, though I will definitely try to make them! :)»

Каково текущее состояние версии в раннем доступе?

«Many of the core systems are in place at varying degrees of complexity. There’s a portion of the overall map currently available to explore and with every big update, I’m going to release more sections of it.

Although I WILL let you explore some work in progress locations that will be clearly marked.

But the game is fully playable. You can fight, get money, explore and conquer, just like the basis for real life! What's next though is not only the most time intensive part of building the game, but also the riskiest in terms of development without community input. It's the world building, the giant content crunch!

Gotta also mention, it's way more fun to work on this part of the game with community input :)»

Изменится ли цена игры после выхода из раннего доступа?

«The initial Early Access price will be the lowest price a person with be able to get the game. As new content and features are added the price will gradually rise to match that value.»

Как вы планируете вовлекать сообщество в разработку игры?

«This is always tricky, because ultimately a community will involve itself in whatever it finds the most value in. While as a game creator, I might value something totally different! That being said, my hope is that the community is able breath inspiration into the epic scenarios our brave Warcube will find themselves in, and offer clever personal input, that I'm able to act on.

Here's some links?

Steam Forum:
Faceblerk: »
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“The first time you dash-attack a Warcube foe, then slow time down to nail an arrow attack while bouncing in mid-air off your first attacker, will leave you changed as an action gamer.”
Ars Technica (preview)

“That game wasnt too bad... that warcube game... It was kinda cool”

“Even at this early stage, Warcube's fighting finds that balance between being easy to control while feeling effortless to accomplish satisfying feats.” (preview)

📜📯 Warcube Development Status

⭐Click to Read Before You Buy!⭐

Об этой игре

WARCUBE is all about the combat.

It’s viciously intense, subtly tactical, and geometrically satisfying. Inspired by games such as Shadow of Mordor, Assassins Creed and Mount & Blade. But with more... cubes.

You've returned home after being on holiday for 3,729 years.

  • Be transformed from a Human, into a Warcube.
  • Capture outposts and explore the world's secrets.
  • Find treasures lost in ages past, as well as things not so treasured...
  • Launch yourself from catapults, to go places you probably ought not to. This is a physics based game in Early Access after all...

While playing you may experience
  • Dynamic slow motion and speed ramping, similar to 300, but with cubes.
  • Highly realistic cube physics...very complex stuff.
  • A multitude of arrows being shot at you, as well as swords, axes and spears waved in your direction.
  • Extreme combo kills in slow motion to make you look your best.

Never has there been a game with this many cubes, that wasn't a Minecraft knockoff.
These cubes were made for battle, not building.

Системные требования

    • ОС *: Windows Vista/7/8/10
    • Процессор: Dual Core CPU, 2.3+ GHz
    • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: 512MB VRAM
    • Место на диске: 1500 MB
    • ОС *: Windows Vista/7/8/10
    • Процессор: 3+ GHz
    • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: 1GB VRAM
    • Место на диске: 1500 MB
* С 1 января 2024 года клиент Steam будет поддерживать только Windows 10 и более поздние версии.

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