Disgraced is a unique samurai themed role playing game that allows players to lead a rebellion in a fight for freedom against a cruel and tyrannical Shogun in Feudal Japan.
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Veldig positive (72) - 83 % av 72 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
20. juni 2016

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Se hele Corrosive Studios L.L.C.-samlingen på Steam


“Well done indie RPG. Enjoyed the story, writing, and plot. Pleased with the quality of the art and graphics. Combat was fun to figure out and challenging to master.”
Steam Review

“A rather nice RPG about rebellion in Japan. If you like RPGs, go for it.”
Steam Review

“The best part about this game, is that it really does all it can to make you feel like you are taking on the role of someone's life.”
Steam Review

Steam Greenlight

This game was created based on what the community requested and asked for. What you see in the game is what the community decided on. This was a player and community driven and developed game.

Om spillet


Based in Feudal Japan, Disgraced allows you to assume the role of a soldier who was reluctantly conscripted into the newly proclaimed Shogun's army. Serving a corrupt and tyrannical government, you're expected to follow orders and commit terrible atrocities. Torn between duty and justice, you must choose your own path, and forge your own destiny.

Disgraced is a role playing game that follows a fictional storyline based on real events. Your character will participate in a resistance movement determined to bring freedom and justice to Japan.

Build Your Resistance

  • Disgraced puts you in control of your own rebellion! Using whatever resources and funds that are available to you, build, manage, and upgrade your very own rebel faction!

Assemble Your Team

  • Disgraced features battles that require planning, and strategy in order to claim victory. Choose from a wide selection of companions to accompany you on your quest for freedom and hone your skills as a team!

Fight Back

  • Disgraced is a game about striking back against an unjust, and corrupt government. You'll need to meticulously plan out your raids in order to be successful, and use whatever you're lucky enough to get your hands on. You can follow the path of a ninja, a ronin, or anything in between. You play how you want to play.

Gameplay Features:

  • Fictional Story Based on Real Events

  • Character Creation, & Development

  • Open Class Leveling System

  • Dynamic Story & Decision System

  • Open World Exploration

  • Many Unique Locations To Discover

  • Diverse & Unique Characters

  • Advanced Companion System

  • Faction Supply & Upgrade System

  • Base Upgrade & Management System

  • Arena Mini Game

  • Hundreds of Choices for Equipment

  • Historically Accurate Weapons & Armor

  • Equipment Durability & Degradation System

  • Face Constant & Evolving Challenges

  • Randomized Loot System

  • Dozens of Different Enemies

  • Advanced Combat System

  • Abundance of Side Quests

  • Multi-Layered Skill System

  • Hundreds of Skills

  • Limitless Replayability

Visual & Audio Features:

  • Consuming Atmosphere

  • Authentic Soundtrack

  • Day/Night Cycle

  • Randomized Weather Patterns

  • Fog of War

  • Detailed Environments

  • Over 150 Maps, Areas, & Lands to Explore

  • High Quality/Hand Drawn Graphics

[i]Inspired by games and movies such as Warbands: Bushido, Sengoku, Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun, Total War: Shogun 2, Ronin, Mount & Blade: Warband, Sword of the Samurai, 13 Assassins, and many more![/i]

Keywords: samurai, sengoku, sandbox, rpg, survival, exploration, open world, base building, indie, management, scavenging, build, japan, character creation, jrpg, adventure, pixel graphics.


*A game made by a single developer.*

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    • OS: Microsoft Windows (32-bit/64-bit)
    • Prosessor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
    • Minne: 512 MB RAM
    • Grafikk: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0
    • Lagring: 2 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: DirectSound Compatible
    • Tilleggsmerknader: *STEAM CONTROLLERS WORK BY DEFAULT - Enable additional gamepad/controller support by opening the gamepad.txt file in the install directory and setting the gamepad value to "1".*

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