Star Realms is a hugely popular space combat deckbuilding game. Download and play today (note: base set is required to play online) to find out why Star Realms is the winner of SXSW 2014 Board Game of the Year, 7 Golden Geek Awards from BoardGameGeek, and 2 Dice Tower awards!
Reseñas recientes:
Muy positivas (13) - El 84 % de las 13 reseñas de los usuarios en los últimos 30 días son positivas.
Reseñas generales:
Muy positivas (2,028) - El 86 % de las 2,028 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
8 MAR 2016

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“My readers are going to have a seizure about how good Star Realms is.”
Owen Faraday

“Good on all levels, thumbs up!”
Tom Vasel, The Dice Tower

“This game is superb! I think it’s a brilliant game. Beautiful artwork, second to none.”
Tim Norris, Grey Elephant Gaming

Acerca de este juego

Star Realms is a hugely popular space combat deckbuilding game. Download and play today to find out why Star Realms is the winner of SXSW 2014 Board Game of the Year, 7 Golden Geek Awards from BoardGameGeek, including Best Mobile Game, and 2 Dice Tower awards! (note: base set is required to play online)

Star Realms combines addictive deck building game play with exciting Trading Card Game (TCG) style combat!

Designed by Magic the Gathering Hall of Famers Darwin Kastle and Rob Dougherty (of the Ascension Deckbuilding Game), Star Realms provides tons of playability for free, and a one-time upgrade to be able play with your friends and more on any device.

Free Version

•Playable on Windows through Steam, also available on iOS, Android, and the Mac app store.

•Addictive Deckbuilding Game.

•Tutorial teaches you to play in minutes.

•Stunning visuals.

•Play VS the AI.

•6 mission campaign mode.

Base Set Additional Features

•Play the AI on 3 different difficulty settings.

•9 additional campaign missions.

•Battle friends face to face with Pass and Play.

•Online play with global rankings.

•Challenge a friend online.

•Play online against opponents regardless of their operating system

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Windows XP SP2+
    • Gráficos: DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities; generally everything made since 2004 should work.
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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