A keenly dark twist on the traditional murder mystery setting, The Deed is an Adventure/RPG game about getting away with murder. Arran Bruce, the rightful heir to Dunshiel House, returns home to settle a score with his estranged family.
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Tanggal Rilis:
23 Nov 2015

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“The Deed was definitely a unique and memorable experience that I’m glad I stumbled upon and at a price point of less than a dollar it is one game I’d recommend to anyone that has the slightest interest in it.”

“I was honestly surprised how “into” The Deed I was while I was playing ... it vastly exceeded my expectations.”

“The Deed is an exceptionally short but very replayable game, a lot more than one would expect to get from something that costs $1.”
The Backlog

Tentang Game Ini

A keenly dark twist on the traditional murder mystery setting, The Deed is an Adventure/RPG game about getting away with murder.

Arran Bruce, the rightful heir to Dunshiel House, returns to his family home after discovering that his abusive father has decided to disinherit him from his Will in favour of his sadistic, deranged young sister. In a fit of anger and greed, Arran has decided to remove his sister from the equation in order to restore his own inheritance. Can he manage to get away with such a foul deed?

  • Meet the Family:
    Explore Dunshiel House and encounter Arran's twisted, dysfunctional family and their servants. Take care, though - everything that you say or do can have an impact on the outcome of The Deed!

  • Choose the Weapon:
    A rope, a candlestick or good old-fashioned rat poison? There are many household items that can be put to a dark and nefarious use. Choose carefully from ten possible murder weapons, bearing in mind who might become a suspect as a result of your selection.

  • Plant the Evidence:
    Father, mother, maid, butler ... any of these individuals could take the blame for your heinous act, if you can find the right evidence, plant it in the right location and manage to raise the suspicions of the Inspector.

  • Face the Inspector:
    When the deed is done, it's time to face the music and be interviewed by the wily, perceptive Inspector. Can you dodge his questions and avert his suspicions? Will you walk away a free man? Many possible endings await ...

Deskripsi Konten Dewasa

Pengembang mendeskripsikan konten ini sebagai berikut:

Game ini mungkin berisi konten yang tidak cocok untuk semua usia atau untuk dilihat di lingkup kantor: Sering Ada Kekerasan atau Gore, Konten Dewasa Umum

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS *: Windows 98/XP/Vista/7/8/10
    • Prosesor: Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz
    • Penyimpanan: 512 MB ruang tersedia
    • Kartu suara: Generic
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.

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