Pluto is a communications service that runs alongside all of your favorite VR applications. Connect with trusted friends and contacts like you’re hanging out in person, no matter where you are. Collaborate and communicate when you want, how you want, and with who you want on Pluto.
Všechny recenze:
Smíšené (77) - 41 % z 77 uživatelů ohodnotilo tento software kladně.
Datum vydání:
22. úno. 2018

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Software s předběžným přístupem

Vyzkoušejte tento software již během jeho vývoje.

Poznámka: Tento software ještě není dokončen a během vývoje se může výrazně změnit. Pokud Vás nyní nezaujal, zkuste počkat, než se dostane do další fáze vývoje. Více informací zde

Poznámka: K poslední aktualizaci došlo před více než 13 měsíci. Informace a plány zde popisované vývojáři už nemusí být aktuální.
Zpráva od vývojářů:

Proč předběžný přístup?

Pluto is in active development! We’re listening to your feedback and reviews to keep improving. We need your input to help us create the high-quality, remote communications service we all want and need!

Přibližně jak dlouho bude tento software v předběžném přístupu?

We have a long journey ahead of us! We expect that it will be a few years before we are fully out of early access. With your help, we’re making Pluto the best that it can be.

Jak se bude plná verze lišit od předběžného přístupu?

The full version of Pluto will include updates and features that are currently in development during Early Access. We are looking for feedback and suggestions to help guide our development and prioritize service improvements!

Areas we’re working on:

  • Cross-platform interoperability. We currently support voice communication between VR and supported iOS devices.
  • The ability to share your view in VR. Let your friends see what you see by streaming your game on Pluto.
  • Addressing areas you’ve raised to our attention through feedback and reviews. We hear you, and we’re keeping your suggestions in mind as we progress towards beta.
  • Faster and easier connection for an experience that’s richer in social presence.

We're also investigating ways to support more platforms and operating systems so that Pluto is accessible to everyone!

V jaké fázi vývoje se hra nachází?

For a list of our currently implemented features, please refer to the "About This Software" section below.

  • As one of the first 3D overlay applications, there are still performance issues that sometimes occur when opening and closing the dashboard and switching between applications.
  • Overlays in SteamVR don’t currently support depth, and thus Pluto avatars render on top of other applications regardless of position. To deal with this current state, we’ve added opacity options and the ability to fully hide other avatars.

If you have specific questions, suggestions, or feature requests, please contact [email protected].

Změní se cena softwaru po skončení předběžného přístupu?

Pluto is a free service by design. As we continue development, we may explore new options to help us pay the bills and keep the lights on. We aren’t sure exactly what those options could be yet, but we’re committed to keeping our users informed. We’re on a mission to make Pluto a viable remote communication solution for as many people as possible.

Jak plánujete zapojit komunitu do vývoje této hry?

We encourage you to participate on our Steam community hub!
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Čeština není podporována

Tento produkt nepodporuje Váš místní jazyk. Seznam podporovaných jazyků je k dispozici níže na této stránce.

Pouze VR

Používat Pluto

Free to play
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Informace o softwaru

Pluto is creating a new way for you to connect to anyone from anywhere in the world by enabling more natural virtual communication. It runs alongside SteamVR apps for direct, contextual, and comfortable connections that transcend text, voice, and video.

To get started: (1) Download Pluto (2) Add contacts, and (3) Call to stay connected to the people you know and trust in VR!

On Pluto, you can:

  • Voice chat between VR and iOS devices!
  • Wave to your contacts to let them know when you're ready to chat
  • Stay connected in private conversations while using individual or multi-person apps
  • Get into multiplayer games together. Try starting at the same time!
  • Talk with friends during loading screens and other slow app moments
  • Play social VR apps while maintaining a separate conversation with one or several people. Try using Pluto to coordinate where you’ll meet up!

Systémové požadavky

    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Procesor: Intel® i5-4590, AMD FX 8350 equivalent or better
    • Grafická karta: NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1080, AMD Radeon™ RX 5700 equivalent or better
    • DirectX: Verze 11
    • Pevný disk: 500 MB volného místa
    • Podpora VR: SteamVR
    • Vyžaduje 64bitový procesor a operační systém
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Procesor: Intel® i5-4590, AMD FX 8350 equivalent or better
    • Grafická karta: NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1080, AMD Radeon™ RX 5700 equivalent or better
    • DirectX: Verze 11
    • Připojení: Širokopásmové připojení k internetu
    • Pevný disk: 500 MB volného místa

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