You are Bogey, an android evolved from the remains of abandoned aircraft – but fight and flight are the only things keeping you from returning to scrap. Battle across the remnants of Earth and solve humanity's disappearance in this nostalgic 3D Platformer Metroidvania!
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Informazioni sul gioco

Demo Coming Soon!

In 2X2X, Earth is ravaged, humanity is absent, and new life is born of old machines. You are Bogey, an amnesic android that awakens to nothing but danger and a dream: to fly away. With the help of new allies, fly and fight through the ruins of human civilization, searching for the answers to their disappearance… and your very existence.

AEROMACHINA is a high-altitude, low-poly 3D Platformer Metroidvania lovingly inspired by the PSX era! Soar through the labyrinthine world that holds you, cutting through foes with your trusty propeller blade. Open new paths through the world, and your enemies, by discovering new abilities and weapons. With jet wings, roaring engines, and all flavors of firepower, nothing can keep you away from the blue skies above.

Main Features

  • Snappy platformer gameplay that transforms in new environments and with new abilities

  • Stylish beat-em-up combat with a plethora of upgradable weapons to exploit any weakness

  • A diverse, non-linear world to explore. New abilities offer new paths to explore, but ace players will find their own way without them.

  • Rose-tinted low-poly graphics that modernize and expand upon an iconic art style

  • A colorful cast of friends, rivals, and enemies. In 2X2X, everything and everyone is a little weird.

  • Additional replay value, such as new game plus, speedrun mode, and a built-in randomizer mode

Requisiti di sistema

    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10+
    • Processore: TBD
    • Scheda video: TBD
    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
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