A minimalist roll playing puzzle game. The Demo includes about 5 unique puzzle mechanics, around 30 puzzles, and satisfying smooth procedural animations.
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24. jan. 2025

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Gratis demo

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Om denne demo

Bloxpath is a minimalist puzzle indie game based on rolling blocks, inspired by the classic Flash game "Bloxorz." In this game, you can experience the purest joy of puzzle-solving, exploring various possibilities of the rolling mechanism among numerous puzzles.

The demo includes about 5 unique puzzle mechanisms, each providing you with a fresh perspective on solving puzzles.

The demo features approximately 30 early-stage puzzles, and the game places minimal restrictions on your solving order, allowing you to play at your own pace.

The overall difficulty of the demo is moderate, with streamlined puzzles focused on creative concepts, while also including several challenging puzzles for core puzzle enthusiasts to tackle.

While you rack your brains, you are accompanied by relaxing music and satisfying procedural animations that even appease perfectionists.


    • Styresystem: Windows10 64bit
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 256MB

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