In Dead Spaceshot, shoot robotic mutant aliens in the head, uncover the secrets of an abandoned military space base, and don't die. Customize your weapons, face deadly enemies, and conquer new planets in this intense third-person sci-fi adventure.
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Prossimamente in accesso anticipato

Gli sviluppatori di questo gioco intendono rilasciarlo come ancora in fase di sviluppo, in cui si tiene conto del feedback dei giocatori.

Nota: i giochi in accesso anticipato non sono completi e potrebbero subire modifiche in futuro, oppure rimanere incompleti. Se non vuoi giocare a questo gioco nel suo stato attuale, ti conviene aspettare per vedere se sarà sviluppato ulteriormente. Altre informazioni

Cosa dicono gli sviluppatori:

Perché l'accesso anticipato?

“We're launching in Early Access to involve the community from the very start. Your feedback is crucial in shaping the game’s development, helping us refine gameplay mechanics, and ensuring a polished final release. Early Access allows us to grow and improve the game with direct input from players.”

Per quanto tempo questo gioco rimarrà in accesso anticipato?

“We estimate that the game will be in Early Access for about one and a half years. This timeframe will allow us to gather feedback, implement new features, and polish the game based on player input.”

Quali saranno le differenze fra la versione completa e quella in accesso anticipato?

“In the full version we plan to add more levels, custom weapons with upgrades, and a wider variety of enemies. Our aim is to also introduce a bit of story to enhance the experience.”

Qual è lo stato attuale della versione in accesso anticipato?

“The current state of the Early Access version features a sandbox set within a space military base, which is split into several levels. It includes basic third-person shooter mechanics, allowing players to explore and engage in combat while experiencing the foundational gameplay.”

Il prezzo del gioco varierà durante e dopo l'accesso anticipato?

“Yes, the price will increase as we add new content and features. We plan to offer a lower price during Early Access as a thank you to early supporters, with the price going up as the game evolves and expands.”

Come pensi di coinvolgere la Comunità durante il processo di sviluppo?

“We plan to involve the community from the beginning by actively seeking their support, feedback, and ideas. Players can reach out to us through our social media channels, email, or Steam discussion boards to share their thoughts and help shape the development of the game.”
Altre informazioni
Scopri l'intera collezione di Hard Shark Games su Steam
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“Intense third-person combat against ruthless robotic aliens!”
Gaming Nexus

“Customize weapons and upgrade for epic space battles!”
Hardcore Gamer

“Uncover hidden secrets in a mysterious military space base!”
Pixel Bandits

Shoot mutant space aliens!

Informazioni sul gioco

In Dead Spaceshot, shoot robotic mutant aliens in the head, uncover the secrets of an abandoned military space base, and don't die. Customize your weapons, face deadly enemies, and conquer new planets in this intense third-person sci-fi adventure.

About Dead Spaceshot

In Dead Spaceshot, dive into an action-packed sci-fi adventure where you’ll explore the dark, abandoned corridors of a military space base overrun by robotic mutant aliens. Uncover hidden secrets, face deadly enemies, and fight to survive in intense third-person combat. Customize your weapons to suit your playstyle and take on increasingly dangerous foes as you push forward.

Key Features

As you progress, conquer new planets, each with its own unique challenges and environments. With every victory, you'll grow stronger, unlocking new upgrades and abilities to help you survive. The fate of the universe is in your hands—prepare for an adrenaline-fueled journey through space!

Divulgazione dei contenuti generati dall'IA

Gli sviluppatori descrivono il modo in cui il loro gioco utilizza i contenuti generati dall'IA in questo modo:

AI has been used to help develop the game's cover art.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo *: Windows 7
    • Processore: Intel Core i5 8600
    • Memoria: 8 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: AMD RX 5700, GTX 1070
    • DirectX: Versione 11
    • Memoria: 1 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Richiede un processore e un sistema operativo a 64 bit
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10
    • Processore: Intel Core i5 11600K
    • Memoria: 16 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: Radeon RX 6700 XT, Geforce RTX 2070
    • DirectX: Versione 11
    • Memoria: 1 GB di spazio disponibile
* A partire dal 1° gennaio 2024, il client di Steam supporta solo Windows 10 e versioni successive.
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