Will you be the top Star Scout in Neo-Seattle? Take control of unranked Wishbright’s fate as you navigate a fake romance with your choice of five heroes. Choose love or fame, and climb the ladder of professional heroes in this queer-friendly, citypop-inspired, visual novel!
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Bu Oyun Hakkında

In the city of Neo Seattle, being a Star Scout isn’t just a vocation, it’s a highly competitive job! With tons of heroes all vying for the top spot, unranked hero Wishbright can’t seem to catch a break. At least until her managing agency comes up with a plan: fake a highly publicized relationship with one of the top scouts in the city to boost her own popularity!

Does Wishbright have what it takes to navigate a pretend romance to secure her #1 spot? And what will happen if those fake feelings grow into something more...?

Set against a glittering Citypop-inspired backdrop, take control of Wishbright’s fate as you navigate love, stardom and heartbreak in this queer-friendly romantic Visual Novel!

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 10/11
    • İşlemci: i5 6600k
    • Bellek: 6 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: GTX 1050
    • DirectX: Sürüm 12
    • Depolama: 2 GB kullanılabilir alan
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