ZOMBIES!!! Overloaded waves of undead chaos! Armed with crazy weapons and power-ups, you’ll fight, dodge, and nuke your way through endless hordes. Face intense bosses, survive outrageous room filling hordes, and climb the leaderboards! It’s fast, it’s gory, it’s OVERLOADED!!
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Относно тази игра

Zombies are everywhere! Arcade-inspired shooter, where relentless waves of undead creeps shamble, sprint, and swarm at you in a cramped room! Your only chance? A wild arsenal of weapons and just enough skill (and blind LUCK!) to keep the hordes at bay.

Strap in and embrace the chaos! Trapped in an inescapable room, you’ll take on endless waves of zombies, mowing them down by the hundreds with randomly spawning weapons. Every five waves, a pissed off boss shows up to ruin your day. Survival demands quick reflexes, clever strategy, and just a pinch of madness! First release contains 2 rooms, No-Escape and Cornered. Try to master each! 

Brace yourself for the a unique boss battle in every "Overloaded" stage! Each boss battle brings a unique  challenge—from hammer-swinging behemoths to undead S.W.A.T. team nightmares. The odds? Totally stacked against you. And just when you think you've got the upper hand, these bosses get tougher, meaner, and deadlier every time they come back!

Can't handle zombie guts? Make the zombies work to each your guts in Pacifism Mode! No ammo. No weapons. Just you, a horde of zombies, and your sheer will to survive! Dodge, weave, and grab power-ups to stay alive as long as possible. Spoiler: you’re still doomed, but at least you’ll look cool trying!

  • Unlock and select from a crazy assortment of goofy and/or badass skins! 

  • Large character art is shown on menu screens, and in-game character changes as well!

  • Upgrade your player! Damage, Speed and Health can all be upgraded! Also, bone magnet! Collect bones (in-game currency, easier!) 

  • Achievements: Earn them, brag about them, maybe even cry over a few!

  • Online Leaderboards: Compete with the world and prove you’re the ultimate zombie slayer!

Grab your weapons and dive headfirst into the zombie apocalypse! It’s you versus the horde!!!

Описание на съдържание за възрастни

Разработчиците описват съдържанието така:

This game features cartoon-styled violence and gore. Players engage in non-stop zombie combat using various firearms and weapons, with enemies exploding into exaggerated displays of blood, guts, and gore upon defeat. While the art style is colorful and cartoonish, the action remains intense, with graphic blood effects and dismemberment.

The game also includes references to steroid use as part of its gameplay or story elements.

There are no depictions of sexual acts, sexual assault, non-consensual behavior, drug or alcohol abuse (aside from steroids), or self-harm. However, due to the violent and mature themes, it may not be suitable for younger audiences or those sensitive to graphic content, even in a stylized, cartoon format.

Системни изисквания

    • ОС *: Windows 7
    • Процесор: Intel Core 2 Duo E5200
    • Памет: 4 GB памет
    • Видеокарта: GeForce 9800GTX+ (1GB)
    • Пространство за съхранение: 2 GB достъпно пространство
* Считано от 01 януари 2024 Steam клиентът ще поддържа само Windows 10 и по-нови версии.
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