Track custom tasks that you preform in your day to day using timers. Create custom timers that automatically save and allow you to look back on you stats and productivity using graphs and pie charts "The first step of making progress is tracking progress. If you don't track, you don't care."-Harmozi
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Riguardo questo software

Liquid Stress is a free software suite that allows you to track your productivity and look back on your time spent on your computer. Allowing you to catch yourself when you see that timer strike one hour while doing something unproductive.

Liquid Stress has two main forms of doing this using timers and goals. You can make custom timers with a custom name, size, font, color and opacity that allows you to log the time you spend on specific tasks through the day. The program locally saves those tasks to your state window where you are able to check your productivity.

If you are more of a goal oriented person you can make custom goals that overlay onto your screen with a progress bar. Allowing you to gauge and understand how much progress you've made through your daily tasks. 

  • You are able to toggle and untoggled if you want the overlay to always be on top of all your other programs on you computer

  • You can adjust the size of goals and timers 

  • Toggling on and off your main timer, which is a timer that displays the current time in the day and changes to the color of the timer you have currently active (Allows you to see if you being productive or not subconsciously)

  • Custom timer fonts 

  • You can toggle the ability to have multiple timers working at the same time 

  • Clean custom UI assets 

  • Adjusts UI placement based on resolution  

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo *: Windows 8
    • Processore: 2 cores with 1GHz
    • Memoria: 1 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: 2GB RAM
    • Memoria: 150 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10 or Windows 11
    • Processore: 4 cores with 2Ghz or higher
    • Memoria: 2 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: 4GB RAM
    • Memoria: 150 MB di spazio disponibile
* A partire dal 1° gennaio 2024, il client di Steam supporta solo Windows 10 e versioni successive.
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