A strategic tower defense roguelike game with a grid-based building system and constantly changing enemy paths and environments. Manage your builders efficiently to defend your base against a variety of enemies. Adaptiveness is key to winning - do you have what it takes?
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Data di rilascio:
maggio 2025

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Data di rilascio prevista: maggio 2025

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Informazioni sul gioco

Do you have what it takes to adapt to the forever changing environment and enemy paths to protect your base from hordes of enemies? There's only one way to find out.

Unique Features:

Tides of Lava is a Roguelike Tower Defense game with several unique features not found in a traditional Tower Defense game. 

    1. Grid-based building system giving you the freedom and flexibility over tower placement.

    2. No resources. You get builders and must manage their time efficiently.

    3. Enemy paths will change over time.

    4. Environments will also change, each with their own unique quirks.


With the changing enemy paths and environments, no two runs of Tides of Lava will be the same. When you die, you're dead, that's it. You'll then have to restart with only additional experience assisting you in getting further. How many deaths will it take for you to beat the game?

Note: Tides of Lava is endless meaning once you've 'beaten the game', you can keep playing on the same run and we'll see how long you can last. 

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10 64 bit
    • Processore: Quad core CPU
    • Scheda video: 8GB RAM
    • Sistema operativo: Windows 11
    • Processore: Quad core CPU
    • Scheda video: 32GB RAM
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