Set the skies ablaze in this explosive 2D arcade dogfighting shooter! Target enemy carriers to cripple fleets, dodge relentless battleships, and outmaneuver swarms of fighters. As a Phoenix Squadron pilot, you are the final rampart against tyranny and your nation’s last hope to rise from the ashes.
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Informazioni sul gioco

Crimson Skyline is a challenging arcade 2D dogfighting shoot'em up.


In Crimson Skyline, you'll face waves of enemy fleets made of aircraft carriers and other warships.

Aircraft carriers are a central part of the game as they spawn all aircraft enemies. As such taking them down swiftly and strategically is a key element of the gameplay.

Stages are made of 10 waves and a final boss.



Armed with dual rapid-fire machine guns, the Rafale is capable of inflicting sustained, devastating damage with pinpoint accuracy. Its special ability, the 'Cobra Shotgun' executes a lightning-fast turnaround, unleashing devastating shotgun-like blasts in multiple waves, obliterating anything caught in its path.


A missile specialist for pilots who excel at evasion. Its charging missile launcher charges faster the longer you hold, letting you stack an infinite arsenal for massive barrages. Built for a dodging-based playstyle, its special ability converts enemy fire into homing missiles with a skillful dodge roll. Harder to master but deadly in skilled hands.


Your feedback is a key part of the dev process, so please do leave reviews on the demo or join the Discord server to tell me what you think and how I can improve the game.


  • Improving the overall feel of the game

  • Second stage with new enemies + boss

  • New unlockable aircrafts

  • Endless mode

Divulgazione dei contenuti generati dall'IA

Gli sviluppatori descrivono il modo in cui il loro gioco utilizza i contenuti generati dall'IA in questo modo:

AI is used for marketing materials such as promo images and text descriptions.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: Windows 11
    • Processore: i7 8750H (Laptop)
    • Memoria: 8 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: Intel Integrated Graphics
    • Memoria: 200 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Note aggiuntive: Most likely can run on lower specs
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