Explore the mysterious creature-filled Wildwoods as a Muri. Find secrets, solve puzzles, befriend creatures, and clean away the corruption. Restore the world's beauty in this cozy adventure!
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Относно тази игра

Even as a small creature, you can make a big difference!

Step into the tiny metaphorical shoes of the muri who just arrived on an island to trace the source of corruption. Whilst cleaning your way deeper into the wild nature, your trusty water gun gets stolen by a mischievous heron who then flees into the corrupted Wildwoods ahead of you. Let the adventure begin!

Explore the mysterious woods!

Embark on a journey into the Wildwoods to get your water gun back. Traverse deeper into the forest, meet its critter inhabitants, and uncover its secrets. The island has varying nature and mysterious ruins that you can explore. Finding the source of corruption is no easy task but one you have set out to complete, you need to trust your instincts to complete your mission!

Solve puzzles with your paws or by cleaning!

Use your water gun and its different modes to clean the environment and its creatures. Solve puzzles by cleaning or by using your paws to progress your way to the cheeky heron and find the source of corruption on the island.

Restore nature's beauty!

Witness the satisfying restoration effects as you clean your way through the corruption and restore Wildwoods back to their former glory!

Системни изисквания

    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • ОС: TBD
    • Процесор: TBD
    • Видеокарта: TBD
    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • ОС: TBD
    • Процесор: TBD
    • Видеокарта: TBD
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