Explore an alternate past. Discover how its ideas develop, distort, and disappear. Seed new movements, destroy others. Subvert the rise and fall of empires, art, ideologies, and individuals in this narrative adventure game.
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À propos de ce jeu

Decade is a narrative point-and-click adventure game where you will send children back into the past - ten years at a time - to learn how the world ended, and what you can do to change it.

Investigate documents, technologies, and artefacts to understand history, manage the children and their abilities as they age dramatically, and try to make the right decisions as you create multiple futures that you can venture into.

The world is dead. A metal rain has battered the earth into a pulp, making life unsustainable. You were twelve when you left the crumbling facilities designed to protect the last of humanity. Thirteen when you, and three younger children you managed to protect, the last people alive, found safety in a sophisticated bunker. Now you're seventeen.

This bunker won't protect you forever, but it does contain a time machine that you now know how to use. With it, you can send the children back in time for a decade to discover what happened, and perhaps change it.

Decade is a first-time, solo-dev project. It features a deep, complex narrative (a lot of reading!), puzzles that require you to understand the historical development of its ideas and societies, and one hour of FMV/animated endings for you to discover.

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation  *: Windows 7 and above
    • Processeur : Dual-Core CPU
    • Mémoire vive : 2 GB de mémoire
    • Espace disque : 2 GB d'espace disque disponible
* À compter du 1ᵉʳ janvier 2024, le client Steam sera compatible uniquement avec Windows 10 et ses versions plus récentes.
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