Two brothers stuck in the world of computer games. They have to fix it to get out. An isometric homage to digital games culture and the art of playing together. Challenge your logic, cooperation and coordination.
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Data lansării:
Trim. II 2025

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Descarcă Pushmania Demo

Acest joc nu este încă disponibil pe Steam

Dată de lansare planificată: Trim. II 2025

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Despre acest joc

Pushmania is a well-crafted puzzle game that is designed as an experience to be played together. You can play the entire game on your own, unlocking all map collections to solve, exploring the story and conquering each logical challenge by yourself. However, you can also play with a friend in local co-op style.

Pushmania also includes a full-featured editor so you can design complex challenges, share them and play together.

The PUSHMANIA is scheduled for release Q2 2025, until then try the DEMO!


  • explore logical love letter to well crafted gameplay-first games from the past

  • a heartfelt story about two brothers made by real two brothers

  • meet familiar characters from other game worlds

  • has an inbuild editor capable of creating your own maps with the ability to share them with your friends

  • enjoy the game solo or with a friend playing together at the same machine

  • a great atmospheric soundtrack reflective of gameplay depth

  • inspired by our decades old game written in QBasic


  • unlock and solve more than 256 maps

  • enjoy more varied gameplay with each map collection

  • fell nostalgic in thematic collections that reference our shared game culture roots

  • finish all the maps to decipher the story

  • replay/rewatch your - automatically recorded - solutions


  • simple goal in every map - get the golden object to the exit-spot

  • manipulate with objects: push, pick-up and carry, some objects can float, others can blow things up, buttons, doors, barriers, teleports...

  • maps can have more than one solution

  • the more you play the more you can unlock (collections, story)

  • you can beat best steps and best time records for each map


  • unlock more objects for your own creations in editor

  • utilize editor as much as you like - unlimited use, create, save, export and import

  • get better at puzzle level design by creating your own maps

Thank you for trying the DEMO and for every wishlist! 
František & Zdeněk


DISCLAIMER: Handmade, no AI was used.

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO *: Microsoft Windows 7
    • Procesor: x86_32 CPU with SSE2 instructions, x86_64 CPU, ARMv8 CPU
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Integrated graphics with full Vulkan 1.0 support; Integrated graphics with full OpenGL 3.3 support
    • Stocare: 500 MB spațiu disponibil
    • SO: Microsoft Windows 10
    • Procesor: x86_64 CPU with SSE4.2 instructions, with 4 physical cores or more, ARMv8 CPU
    • Memorie: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Dedicated graphics with full Vulkan 1.2 support; Dedicated graphics with full OpenGL 4.6 support
    • Stocare: 500 MB spațiu disponibil
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
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