This Chinese martial arts sandbox game blends character growth, adventure, survival, and building. It offers varied regions, towns, factions, engaging NPC interactions, and branching narratives. The combat system is novel, focusing on troop arrangement and skill cards, with replayable talent points.
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Data de lançamento:
2.º trimestre de 2025

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Brevemente em Acesso Antecipado

Os developers deste jogo pretendem lançá-lo como um projeto ainda em desenvolvimento, que evoluirá de acordo com o feedback dos jogadores.

Atenção: Jogos de Acesso Antecipado não estão completos e não é garantido que sejam alterados no futuro. Se não estás confiante neste jogo no estado atual, recomendamos que esperes até que o desenvolvimento avance mais um pouco Fica a saber mais

O que os criadores do jogo têm a dizer:

Porquê Acesso Antecipado?

"As an independent developer, I hope to interact and communicate more with players during the development process, to listen to player feedback, in order to create better game content. Of course, for a single-person indie game, the scale of this game's content is also quite large, so I am using an early access model."

Aproximadamente durante quanto tempo vai este produto estar em Acesso Antecipado?

"Around a year."

Qual vai ser a diferença entre a versão final e a versão de Acesso Antecipado?

"The Early Access version includes character creation, item usage, exploration, combat, resource gathering, logging, fishing, mining, building structures, interacting with NPCs, attacking other factions, and the first 1/3 of the game's story.
About the full version,we plan to expand the story, as well as add more hostile factions, regional maps, more building blueprints, and a greater number of interactive NPCs."

Qual é o estado atual da versão de Acesso Antecipado?

"The current version supports creating character roles, walking on the map, exploring, fighting, gathering resources, using items, building strongholds, and so on."

O jogo vai ter preços diferentes durante e depois do Acesso Antecipado?

"The game's pricing will vary; the full version will increase in price due to the increased volume of content."

Como estão a planear incluir a comunidade durante o processo de desenvolvimento?

"After subsequent external testing, we will embed a community link within the game, allowing players to quickly jump to the community for interaction and feedback."
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Este jogo ainda não está disponível no Steam

Data de lançamento planeada: 2.º trimestre de 2025

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Acerca deste jogo

This is a Chinese-style martial arts game with the following features:

  • A survival system where players must plan their survival resources wisely.

  • A construction system that allows players to build various facilities in the game world autonomously.

  • A variety of weather conditions and adventure events.

  • Different wilderness areas and towns, with 11 different factions or sects.

  • A large number of interactive NPCs that can engage in high-freedom interactions with player characters.

  • A storyline crafted in the direction of visual novels, with numerous side quests and different choices leading to varied subsequent plots.

  • An innovative combat system based on troop deployment and skill hand cards.

  • Repeatable out-of-game talent points that can be played again and again.

In summary, this is a game that aims to integrate survival, strategy, sandbox, narrative, and roguelike gameplay elements into one experience.

Requisitos do Sistema

    • Sistema Operativo: windows10/11 64-bit
    • Processador: i36100/AMD Ryzen3 1200
    • Memória: 4 GB de RAM
    • Placa gráfica: NVIDIA Gefore GTX 750 / AMD Radeon RX 460
    • Espaço no disco: Requer 1 GB de espaço livre
    • Sistema Operativo: window10/11 64-bit
    • Processador: i36100/AMD Ryzen3 1200
    • Memória: 8 GB de RAM
    • Placa gráfica: NVIDIA Gefore GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 470 /
    • Espaço no disco: Requer 1 GB de espaço livre
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