Witchfire is a first-person dark fantasy RPG shooter in which you play as a wicked sinner turned witch hunter on his final mission to reach salvation.
Kürzliche Rezensionen:
Sehr positiv (303) - 91 % der 303 Nutzerrezensionen der letzten 30 Tage sind positiv.
Alle Rezensionen:
Sehr positiv (7,347) - 93 % der 7,347 Nutzerrezensionen für dieses Spiel sind positiv.
23. Sep. 2024

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Early Access-Spiel

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Hinweis: Spiele im Early Access sind noch nicht fertiggestellt und können in Zukunft Änderungen erhalten. Wenn Ihnen das Spiel im aktuellen Zustand nicht gefällt, warten Sie eine Weile, um zu sehen, wie sich das Spiel weiterentwickelt. Mehr erfahren

Was die Entwickler zu sagen haben:

Wozu Early Access?

„Witchfire is an RPG shooter that uniquely blends soulslike, extraction, and roguelite genres with many new gameplay features. It is a perfect game to develop and balance with community feedback.“

Wie lange wird dieses Spiel ungefähr den Early Access-Status haben?

„About 9-12 months. Anything shorter would make it almost impossible for your feedback to have a real impact on the game. Also, the quality of the audio-visuals we produce simply requires time.“

Wie soll sich die Vollversion von der Early Access-Version unterscheiden?

„We plan to add more biomes, bosses, enemies and weapons to the full version of Witchfire. Additionally, the final release should include a complete story, which is the primary difference from the Early Access version that focuses mainly on gameplay with only fragments of lore and narrative.

We also anticipate that the final version will be more polished and better balanced. We already released major updates and will continue to do so, each introducing new content as well as Quality of Life improvements, balancing adjustments, and player-requested updates.“

Was ist der derzeitige Stand der Early Access-Version?

„We worked hard to ensure the Early Access version of Witchfire offers a satisfying amount of content. There are three regions to explore and battle in, with complete gameplay loops and a selection of tools of war, including guns and spells. We plan to add new biomes, each with unique enemies, traps, loot, and mysteries. Lastly, we will place more emphasis on lore and narrative.“

Wird dieses Spiel während und nach Early Access unterschiedlich viel kosten?

„We have no plans to change the price after leaving Early Access.“

Wie werden Sie versuchen die Community in den Entwicklungsprozess miteinzubeziehen?

„We plan to gather feedback from our Discord server, our social channels, and the Steam forums. Suggestions from the community will help inform our development decisions to deliver the best version of the game.“

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Striga will be available early in the game as a token of appreciation for all players who have purchased the game during Early Access. After the 1.0 launch, non-Early Access players will have the opportunity to unlock it as a late-game weapon.

Infos zum Spiel

Witchfire is a single-player RPG shooter from the creative minds behind Painkiller and Bulletstorm. Embark on perilous expeditions, vanquishing foes to enhance your powers and arsenal. Scavenge valuable resources and retreat to your sanctuary, or push your luck by confronting Familiars— the powerful guardians of the witch.

Skill and knowledge are essential for success against the Witch of the Black Sea and her witchfire-fueled army. If you die, return to the battlefield for a one-time chance to reclaim what you lost, or attack again with a new plan.

Explore vast, immersive biomes and choose your battleground to confront the witch's forces. Each completed encounter strengthens you and your arsenal through the roguelite system called Arcana. There are countless ways to build your preyer and dominate the witch.

Only the most wicked sinners are transformed into preyers, undead assassins sustained by witchfire flowing through their veins. In the base of operations known as the Hermitory, you can choose from a wide selection of distinctive weapons, spells, and artifacts to build your own preyer.

On each expedition, you can extract your looted items or, if you feel confident, confront the witch’s Familiar to unlock new areas and powerful items and upgrades.

Piece together a story from the past to save the future. Investigate ships crashing on the verge of the witch’s land and locate the artifact that can tip the scales in the ongoing war between the Church and the witches.

During the Early Access period, Witchfire will undergo changes, including new areas, enemies, weapons, and tools of destruction. Help us shape the game to reach its full potential!

Beschreibung nicht jugendfreier Inhalte

Der Entwickler beschreibt die Inhalte wie folgt:

The game depicts gore, decapitations, frequent violence, firearms, occult topics and general mature content.


    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem *: Windows 7 64-bit
    • Prozessor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4 cores)
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: NVIDIA GTX1050 Ti
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Speicherplatz: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
    • Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: HDD Supported, SSD Recommended
    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem: Windows 10 or later 64-bit
    • Prozessor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz (6 cores)
    • Grafik: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Speicherplatz: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
    • Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: SSD Recommended
* Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 unterstützt der Steam-Client nur noch Windows 10 und neuere Versionen.

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