Traverse Swordia, a community-driven MMORPG with skill-based progression, PVP, PVE, and endless possibilities. Inspired by the classics, experience a mix of dungeon crawling, farming, mining, and more. Help development with your choices and feedback.
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Tanggal Rilis:
1 Nov 2024

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Game Akses Dini

Dapatkan akses instan untuk bermain; ikut terlibat dalam game seiring perkembangannya.

Catatan: Game Akses Dini adalah produk yang belum selesai dan mungkin tidak akan berubah lebih lanjut. Jika kamu tidak berminat untuk memainkan game ini dalam kondisinya saat ini, kamu harus menunggu untuk melihat jika game ini terus dikembangkan. Pelajari lebih lanjut

Prakata dari pengembang:

Kenapa harus Akses Dini?

“The game is not refined enough to warrant being a full version. It's lacking some basic features such as the quest system is not fully fleshed out among other things such a game bugs that still need to be worked out. See the description of the game for gameplay information.”

Berapa lama game ini akan berada dalam Akses Dini?

“Until the community votes that the game is stable enough to leave Early Access. The game needs to be stable and have the features to community wants.”

Apa perbedaan antara versi penuh dan versi Akses Dini?

“The Early Access version will lack features the community requested. It's purpose is to query the community on features the community wants to be added and test those experimental features as well as iron out any bugs that exist in said features and the game itself.”

Apa status saat ini dari versi Akses Dini ini?

“The game is playable but is not yet refined. We want to query the community so we can improve our game and bring it to where the community wants it to be. See "About This" section for more information on the current gameplay.”

Apakah harga game akan berbeda selama dan setelah Akses Dini?

“We plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features depending on what the community polls read.”

Seperti apakah rencana untuk melibatkan Komunitas dalam proses pengembangan?

“We will be doing weekly polls on content and updates by using the feedback given to us on our Official Discord to create the polls people vote on to bring these changes to the development process.”
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Beli Swordia

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Tentang Game Ini

Inspired by the golden era of retro pixel art RPGs and MMOs, Swordia strives to immerse players in a world of endless possibilities. The game features:

Community-driven development

Share feedback to improve the game as we iterate on the ever-changing land of Swordia.

Spell Casting

Unleash powerful spells on your (friends and) foes.

Dungeon Crawling

Fight your way to shiny loot in dungeons with a party or solo.


Fight mobs, friends, and strangers in special PVP and PVE zones and dungeons.

Skill-based Progression

Improve your woodcutting, fishing, farming, crafting, cooking, and mining skills.

Guilds, partying, and more…

We are committed to improving Swordia!

Swordia is a passion project by a small team of independent developers. We take our community's feedback seriously and consider player input a core part of the Swordia experience. The world will change and grow, and players have a direct role in the direction that takes.

By joining our Discord server, you can share your feedback directly. Changing the game for the better is our primary goal. Pushing changes as fast as possible to make every player's experience smoother and growing our little community to connect individuals around the world makes any game better, and that is doubly true for us, who are always looking forward to connecting with every one of you personally. Your opinion matters. Please help us make Swordia the best it can be for you.

Persyaratan Sistem

    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosesor: Intel Duo Core
    • Memori: 1024 MB RAM
    • Grafis: Intel iGPU
    • Catatan Tambahan: Java 32-bit is required for the launcher though it should be included.
    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan

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