“Auto Battle Girl” is an auto chess game on Goll Continent where powerful female creatures battle. Strategic gameplay, upgrade maidens, activate faction bonuses, and use leader assistance to conquer this mystical land.
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Megjelenés dátuma:
2025 1. negyedéve

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Tervezett megjelenési dátum: 2025 1. negyedéve

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A játékról

“Auto Battle Girl” - Exploring the Mysterious Powers of the Goll Continent!

Welcome to the Goll Continent, a world filled with mysterious magic and powerful creatures, all of whom are female. On this continent, the battle maidens harness the magical power of the Sea of Life to stage breathtaking combat spectacles!


The setting of “Auto Battle Girl” is in a mysterious world known as the Goll Continent. What sets this land apart is that all its inhabitants are female, possessing extraordinary strength and astonishing magical abilities. They reproduce asexually through the magic of the Sea of Life. Alongside humans, this world is home to various other clans including demons, elves, beast maidens, and dragons.


Auto Combat: Automatic battles where strategic placement lets your battle maidens fight for you!
Maiden Leveling: Collect three of the same maiden to upgrade to a stronger version, with multiple paths for you to choose from.
Faction Activation: Gather maidens with the same faction to activate faction bonuses and increase your team’s combat power.
Leader Assistance: Up to four leaders can assist in battle, providing attribute bonuses and combat skills to give you an edge.
Relic Infusion: Infuse relics with souls to trigger more powerful battlefield effects and turn the tide of battle.

“Auto Battle Girl” invites you to enter the Goll Continent and experience an unprecedented passion for battle! Assemble your team now and conquer this mysterious land!

Nyilatkozat MI generálta tartalomról

A fejlesztők így írják le, hogyan használ a játékuk MI generálta tartalmat:

Both the character images and background images in the game are generated by AI and then manually retouched.


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: winxp,win7,win8,win10
    • Processzor: Intel Core2 Duo or better
    • Memória: 4 GB RAM
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
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