Prepare for chaos on the stage tonight when a game of Moccoletti starts! Lead a merry chase through the gardens, hiding in the dark to protect your candle while using your fan, snuffer or blow-dryer to blow your friends away in Moccoletti: a 2-4 player arena shooter with wind instruments.
Reseñas generales:
4 reseña(s) de usuario(s) - Se necesitan más reseñas de usuarios para generar una puntuación
Fecha de lanzamiento:
4 MAR 2025

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HK$ 66.00
HK$ 39.60

Comprar Gotland Rumble PACK (?)

Incluye 2 artículo(s): Recitallion, Moccoletti

HK$ 89.60
HK$ 68.48

Acerca de este juego

Lead one, two or three of your friends in a merry chase around the theater! Hide your candle, and use your fan, blow-dryer or trumpet to snuff out your friends' flames!

Choose between 8 different candle-extinguishing tools to find the one that best fits you - or surprises everyone else the most!

Let chaos reign in a battle royale, or pick sides to measure your skills at snuffing candles in teams! Customize how you gain points, how many points will net a win, in which level you want to set your stage, or between a variety of randomizers.

Our game was inspired by descriptions of a 18th century game played during the days of the Venetian Carnival: Players would each light a candle of their own, and chase each other with or without special implements to blow out each other's flames.

On controller:
Left stick - Move
Right stick - Aim
Press right stick - toggle auto-aim (if enabled in fight options)
Right trigger (RT/R2) - attack
Left trigger (LT/L2) - sneak
Right button (RB/R1) - Moccoletea time (teabag)
A - confirm
B - cancel
Start - Pause

On keyboard:
WASD - Move
Mouse - Aim
Middle click - toggle auto-aim (if enabled in fight options)
Left click - attack
Right click - sneak
E - Moccoletea time (teabag)
Space - confirm
Alt - cancel
Enter - Pause
Delete - remove keyboard player

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Windows 7 and above
    • Procesador: 1.2 ghz
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: 512 mb video memory
    • DirectX: Versión 11
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

Reseñas de usuarios para «Moccoletti»

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