This is an open-world farm game that includes planting, raising, building, survival, fishing, and other gameplay elements. In this game, you need to manage your resources wisely to expand your farm.
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Date de parution :
2ᵉ trimestre 2025
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Date de sortie prévue : 2ᵉ trimestre 2025

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À propos de ce jeu

This is a farming simulator game!

Here, you need to manage your resources to expand your ranch, raise farm livestock such as chickens, cows, and sheep, and grow a large selection of crops! You can sell your produce for gold to purchase resources and gadgets that will improve your ranch.

As you oversee your ranch, you will also have to take care of yourself, and stay healthy and alive. The game utilizes a dynamic season/weather system, which can interfere with the behavior of certain animals, and the growth of certain crops. There is also a combat system that allows the player to hunt wild animals, and fend off dangerous beasts that might assault your ranch at midnight and eat your livestock (which is also why NOT leaving them wandering outside your ranch at night is a good idea). Lastly, there will also be cute critters who will not-so-cutely eat your crops.

The game allows for multiplayer gameplay, collaborate with your friends to manage the ranch together, hunt or fish for a homemade delicious meal, snuggle with your family cat(s) and dog(s), and much more!

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation : win10
    • Processeur : I5 9400
    • Mémoire vive : 16 GB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : Gtx1650
    • DirectX : Version 11
    • Espace disque : 20 GB d'espace disque disponible
    Recommandée :
    • Système d'exploitation : win11
    • Processeur : I7 11700
    • Mémoire vive : 16 GB de mémoire
    • Graphiques : Rtx3060
    • DirectX : Version 12
    • Réseau : connexion internet haut débit
    • Espace disque : 35 GB d'espace disque disponible
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