"Tsugunohi" and the video game play-by-play artist, Pocky, have collaborated. "Tsugunohi -Pocky dog’s adventure-," created in conjunction with Pocky's 10th anniversary event, is now available on Steam. Lured by a white butterfly, Pocky the dog's "little adventure" now begins.
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Pozitív (48) - E játék 48 felhasználói értékeléséből 81% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2024. jún. 30.

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Tsugunohi -Pocky dog’s adventure- vásárlása

HK$ 13.00

A játékról


"Tsugunohi", a horror game that invades daily life, and Pocky, a video game player, collaborated!

The original game "Tsugunohi -Pocky dog’s adventure-", created in conjunction with Pocky's 10th anniversary event in February 2024, will now be released on Steam.

The method of play is the same as the usual "Tsugunohi," just press the left key to go sideways.
Experience the horror phenomenon by controlling Pocky, the beloved dog of game player Pocky.


Pocky suddenly wakes up in a mysterious place and is led onward by a white butterfly.
After walking for a while, he meets a girl on a walking path.

The adventure story of Pocky the dog begins now.


(1) The main character is "Pocky," the beloved dog of game player Pocky. The story progresses from the dog's point of view.
(2) Chasing butterflies and passing bicycles. You can experience the horror as the everyday scenery of a peaceful Japanese walkway is gradually transformed.
(3) The story is warm and somehow sad despite being a horror game, as you are immersed in the memories of the game player, Pocky, and his dog, Pocky.


《"Tsugunohi" series》
A horror game in which the protagonist progresses sideways through various stages, and everyday life is gradually eroded by fear. This is a popular masterpiece by ImCyan, an indie game creator who has been creating numerous horror works.

A video game player who mainly posts videos of horror games in action.
As of June 2024, the number of subscribers to his YouTube channel has exceeded 3.5 million.
The name "Pocky" comes from the name of his dog.

The rights to the images are as follows


    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core2 Duo or higher
    • Memória: 600 MB RAM
    • Grafika: Open GL compliant video card
    • Tárhely: 600 MB szabad hely

A(z) Tsugunohi -Pocky dog’s adventure- vásárlói értékelései




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