Space MMORPG where players can fly on different ships, collecting devices, subsystems and navigations or finding new weapons that will serve in battles. Take part in battles, explore the world, mine ore, trade, fight and build your own clan with a station.
Todas as análises:
Neutras (62) - 66% das 62 análises de usuários deste jogo são positivas.
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Análise do curador

Por FREE GAMES FOR YOU! 27 de dezembro de 2024

"The game is interesting and creative.
An expansive universe with multitude of star systems to traverse.
The gameplay is immersive, combining strategic elements and space mining with real-time combat."

Jogo com acesso antecipado

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Observação: jogos em acesso antecipado não estão completos e podem ou não sofrer alterações no futuro. Caso não esteja com vontade de jogá-lo no estado atual, aconselhamos esperar até que o desenvolvimento esteja mais adiantado. Saiba mais

O que os desenvolvedores têm a dizer:

Por que acesso antecipado?

"Game is not fully done. A lot of things are not implemented yet and planned to be. Also with such changes game could completely change, and in such times community feedback can help to shape it as needed."

Por quanto tempo aproximadamente este jogo estará em acesso antecipado?

"Until all sides of game would be polished and all plans completed. In rough approximation it will need a few months, but base game is already done and can be played freely with no restrictions"

Como a versão completa será diferente da versão de acesso antecipado?

"Globally speaking - game would be bigger from two to four times (possible more) in amount of content that could be played with. For example clans, fourth sector, new mob types, new branches of ships, their T4 variant and stations' full work"

Qual é o estado atual da versão de acesso antecipado?

"For now - we have foundation of all base mechanics that possibly would thrive to the end of game. But this is only the foundation, and a lot more would be done in future. Big part of these mechanics is described in "About this" section"

O preço do jogo será alterado após o fim do acesso antecipado?

"Highly doubtful. From the start the game was planned to be free-to-play and to not have any content behind pay-walls."

Como vocês planejam envolver a comunidade durante o processo de desenvolvimento?

"We will read and consider all feedback received through Steam and Discord, as well as any other places we can find. Let us know how you feel about what is already in the game (weapons, enemies, game mechanics, sounds, etc.) and what you would like to see in the game's future. The community has already greatly shaped the game into what it is now, and we would like to see that continue."
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Jogar Shattered Void

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Sobre este jogo

A game inspired by the style and setting of Space Rangers.
Endless dangers of space open up endless opportunities for development:
  • 5 starting factions to choose from
  • Raids, bosses, wars
  • Economics, trade, market manipulation
  • Asteroid mining, smelting, crafting
  • Simple but at the same time complex system of modifications and interconnections of ship sub-systems

Many systems

Hundreds star systems await exploration and colonization. In remote reaches of space, wormholes occasionally open into unknown sectors, where both dangerous enemies and huge loot can be found.

Soft PvP

You do not lose equipment if you are destroyed by another player or NPC, only items that were in your cargo hold. Thanks to your personal fighting skills, you can overcome even strong opponents. And to prevent constant murders, you will be protected by patrols and military personnel in their systems, while the sectors themselves are divided by strength, preventing strong players from approaching weak ones.


Create your own flying fortress. Engage in trade and collect taxes for the use of station space by other players. Factories, shops, mining facilities, warp gates for long-distance flights - dozens of different buildings will make the station even more useful. In addition, stations are necessary for the colonization and terraforming of captured planets or the construction of space megastructures.

Modifications of equipment and ships

Spaceships are a platform for installing weapons, systems, devices, and drones. Ships are upgraded using collected resources, allowing you to choose your development style.

In addition, each race has its own unique pieces of equipment, and their ships have different strengths and weaknesses: shields and energy, speed and repairability, damage and armor, hull and regeneration, and many others.
Weapons and systems are easily transferred between ships. Therefore, it always makes sense to strengthen your favorite equipment.

Weapons can have module slots. Hundreds of different effects allow you to make each gun unique and adapt to any battle scenario.

Cooperative game

Groups of players are needed to coordinate boss battles and clear out certain locations.
Many players unite into clans, which simplifies access to stations, storage facilities, hypergates and all other clan property.

Requisitos de sistema

SteamOS + Linux
    • Requer um processador e sistema operacional de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 7
    • Processador: Any Dual-core
    • Memória: 1 GB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: GT210 / Radeon HD 3300 with 512Mb VRam
    • Armazenamento: 175 MB de espaço disponível
    • Placa de som: -
    • Requer um processador e sistema operacional de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 7 and newer
    • Processador: Any 4+ core
    • Memória: 2 GB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: Radeon R5 230 / GT440 with 1GB VRam
    • Rede: Conexão de internet banda larga
    • Armazenamento: 200 MB de espaço disponível
    • Placa de som: -
* A partir do dia 1º de janeiro de 2024, o cliente Steam será compatível apenas com o Windows 10 ou posterior.
    • SO: Ubuntu 12.04
    • Processador: Any Dual-core
    • Memória: 1 MB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: GT210 / Radeon HD 3300 with 512Mb VRam
    • Armazenamento: 175 MB de espaço disponível
    • Placa de som: -
    • SO: Ubuntu 12.04
    • Processador: Any 4+ core
    • Memória: 2 MB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: Radeon R5 230 / GT440 with 1GB VRam
    • Rede: Conexão de internet banda larga
    • Armazenamento: 200 MB de espaço disponível
    • Placa de som: -

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