AIR STRAFE, ROCKET JUMP, and SURF your way through dimensions in this HYPER-intensive skill-based movement shooter of old. The onslaught of foes in your way are invading worlds, and the only way to stop them is to show you will be FATAL.
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Sản phẩm này không hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ địa phương của bạn. Vui lòng xem lại danh sách ngôn ngữ được hỗ trợ dưới đây trước khi mua.

Tải xuống HYPERFATAL Demo

Trò chơi này chưa có trên Steam

Ngày dự kiến phát hành: 2025

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Thêm vào danh sách ước

Về trò chơi này

HYPERFATAL is a fast-paced old school FPS that combines the explosive action of movement shooters with unique mechanics similar to Quake and popular Source engine games.

An ancient interdimensional army known as the Goonabites have been disturbed by unknown forces, and are invading countless worlds. In a last ditch attempt against the masses, the last dwellers of the known universe have unleashed Project HYPER, an experimental cyborg soldier with unmatched speed, brutality, and abilities to face those who wish to destroy all of creation. Time is running out... show them that your existence will be FATAL

  • Use movement mechanics such as Rocket Jumping, Air Strafing, and Surfing to traverse environments quickly and dodge the relentless attacks of enemies.

  • With an emphasis on Push-Forward combat, kill enemies to gain charges for health and for Hyper Abilities, powerful tools to aid you in combat efficiency.

  • Annihilate the horde quickly to maintain combo and gain FATAL score, which can be used to purchase Hyper Abilities at the main hub.

  • Replay previously-finished levels and discover endless replayability in mastering the combat loop, speedrunning levels, and achieving high rankings.

Mô tả nội dung mang yếu tố trưởng thành

Nội dung theo lời tả của nhà phát triển:

The mature content shown in game is strictly blood and violence against fictional creatures that do not exist in the real world.

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • Yêu cầu vi xử lý và hệ điều hành đều chạy 64-bit
    • HĐH: Windows 10, 64 bit
    Khuyến nghị:
    • Yêu cầu vi xử lý và hệ điều hành đều chạy 64-bit
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