The world of Konung is a unique and spacious fantasy land, that combines parts of known history with classical myths and the legends of the Chronicles, including immortal heroes, magical artefacts and ancient sorcery.
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Veldig positive (143) - 88 % av 143 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
30. nov. 2004

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Kjøp Konung 2


Om spillet

Konung 2 is a sequel to Konung: The Legend of North. According to the storyline Good and Evil traded places. The main hero that won a victory over the forces of Evil in the first part of the game has got under the influence of a very powerful magic artifact -- Sovereign bracelet. The hero became the dark Master, the biggest threat for his land. His mind is completely controlled by the bracelet and he is trying to subdue all other magic artefacts.

Only six heroes, descendants of the Titans, can stop him. They must be fearless and very cautious. Their enemies are not only bloodthirsty monsters but Master's warriors as well. Their task is hard but it's the only way to save their land.

The world of Konung is a unique and spacious fantasy land, that combines parts of known history with classical myths and the legends of the Chronicles, including immortal heroes, magical artefacts and ancient sorcery. The whole world is shaped by three cultures on the verge of the second millennium: tribes of wild Slavic hunters, noble traders of the still-powerful Byzantine Empire, and fearless Viking warriors.

Key features:

  • Unique Fantasy world settled in an atmosphere of myths and the legends of tribes of wild Slavic hunters, noble traders of the still-powerful Byzantine Empire, and fearless Viking warriors
  • Six different heroes, male and female warriors
  • Improved RPG system, wide range of character skills an characteristics
  • Detailed dialogue system
  • Dozens of quests
  • Outdoor and indoor locations
  • Settlement management


      • OS *: Windows XP/7/8
      • Prosessor: Pentium II 400 MHz
      • Minne: 64 MB RAM
      • Lagring: 500 MB tilgjengelig plass
      • Lagring: 500 MB tilgjengelig plass
    * Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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