Please Insert Disc is a puzzle horror game about navigating the underbelly of a 2000's era gaming console in an attempt to restore its functionality. From the creators of Home Safety Hotline.
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Despre acest joc

Picture this - It's the year 2002, and you just booted up your game console ready to wind down for the day. But something is wrong. The serene blue fog of the console's startup menu turn a foul red, the resonant music pitches down and an error message appears on screen, as if to shame you for your actions:

Disc Read Error: Please Insert Disc.

Please Insert Disc is a puzzle horror game about navigating the underbelly of a 2000's era gaming console in an attempt to restore its functionality. From the creators of Home Safety Hotline.


  • Navigate deep within the menus and systems of a 2000's era gaming console.
  • Puzzle your way through the process of increasingly horrific troubleshooting.
  • Listen to original soundscapes and music reminiscent of the early 2000's.
  • Awaken what's within.

Descrierea conținutului destinat publicului matur

Dezvoltatorii descriu conținutul astfel:

This game contains sensitive topics such as the death of a loved one and personal tragedy.

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO: Windows 10
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