“Meiji Tokyo Renka Full Moon” (also known as “Meikoi”) is a historical romance fantasy game in which the main character travels back in time to the Meiji era and meets and falls in love with the great figures of history. Having ability changes her relationship with them....
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Придбати 明治東亰恋伽 Full Moon

HK$ 365.00
HK$ 292.00

Про цю гру

Transcending time and opening the door to enthralling love affairs with handsome boys from the Meiji period.

What is “Meikoi”?

“Meiji Tokyo Renka Full Moon” (also known as “Meikoi”) is a historical romance fantasy game in which the main character travels back in time to the Meiji era and meets and falls in love with the great figures of history.
With the addition of Tosuke Iwasaki’s (VA. Yoshimasa Hosoya) route, “Meiji Tokyo Renka Full Moon” (released in August 2016) is now available on Steam, featuring even more new elements!

Added Content

・Addition of a newly written bonus scenario
 Language: Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified Chinese / Traditional Chinese) ※Voice in Japanese only


The main character, Mei Ayatsuki, an ordinary high-school girl, is transported back in time to the Meiji era by the self-proclaimed magician Charlie, whom she meets on the night of a red full moon.
It was a slightly mysterious Meiji period “Tokyo” where the existence of Mononoke was recognized.

With Charlie’s guidance, she arrived at the Rokumeikan.
The protagonist sneaks into the party and is met by historical figures such as Ougai Mori, Syunso Hishida, Otojiro Kawakami, Kyoka Izumi, Gori Fujita, Yakumo Koizumi, and Tosuke Iwasaki.

Through her interaction with them, the protagonist realizes that she is a “Tamayori” and has a highly prized ability in the Meiji period that allows her to see Mononoke.
Having ability changes her relationship with them....

In this unfamiliar time, love affairs grow as she comes into contact with good-looking men during her daily life.
Will the protagonist be able to return to her original time or...?
Does love transcend time and space: ...... How does it end?


Original :MAGES.
Genre:Otome Game(Text Adventure)
Scenario Writer:Yukiko Uozumi
Character Design:Karu
VA:Daisuke Namikawa,KENN,Kosuke Toriumi,Nobuhiko Okamoto,Jun Fukuyama,Shinnosuke Tachibana,Yoshimasa Hosoya,Tomoyuki Morikawa and others

Системні вимоги

    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи
    • ОС: Windows 10/11 (64bit)
    • Процесор: The 2st generation Intel® Core™ processor
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 4 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: Intel HD2500/4000 Graphics
    • DirectX: версії 11
    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи

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