In this cozy farming game, you have to run your own farm shop. Take care of your animals and your farm, sell your goods to the cute Forest Folk, upgrade the island and fulfill small orders from the Harmony Tree to fill the island with life again.
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7. mars 2025

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Om spillet

Run your own farm shop, without any pressure!

Sugardew Island is an intentionally uncomplicated cozy farm shop sim, crafted by a tiny indie dev team. We developed Sugardew Island so you can unwind, relax, and enjoy your beloved genre.

Take care of your animals and your farm, sell your goods to the cute Forest Folk, upgrade your farm and fulfill small orders from the Harmony Tree to fill the tiny island with life again.

Inspired by the beloved Nintendo© DS Harvest Moon games, Sugardew Island is our love letter to the genre, with around 15 hours of delightful gameplay.

  • Run your own cozy farm shop and sell goods

  • Care for animals and build bonds

  • Grow crops and gather resources

  • Complete Harmony Tree quests to restore the island

  • Relaxing, pressure-free gameplay with no time limits

  • Also designed for short, enjoyable play sessions

What can you expect?

🌽 Farming: Take care of your plants, make fertilizer and sell your farm produce.

🛒 Your farm shop: Sell items in your shop and negotiate with the Forest Folk for prices.

⚒️ Resource Gathering: Collect wood, stones, and weeds for farm improvements.

🧑‍🎨 Character Editor: Customize your character’s look to create your perfect persona.

🐑 Animals: Feed, interact & build bonds with animals for eggs and milk. 

🐈 Pet Companions: Give names to pets, interact with them, and let them follow you around the island.

☯️ Harmony Tree Quests: Fulfill orders to heal the Harmony Tree and upgrade the small island.

💰 Trader Tomte: Purchase seeds, animals, and more from the friendly trader.

👷🏽‍♂️ Upgrade System: Improve your house, barn, and tools to enhance efficiency.

❤️ Relationships: Befriend or date friendly locals, and choose to build friendships or maybe even more.

Restore harmony to this enchanting world!

After a surprising storm and a shipwreck, your journey begins as you awaken on a deserted island. To continue your adventure, you must collect Harmony by selling goods to the forest folk, healing the island and overcoming the thorns.


    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • OS: Windows 10, Windows 11
    • Prosessor: Dual-Core: 2Ghz
    • Minne: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: 256MB
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0c
    • Lagring: 5 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem

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